female Tradition / Ritual in Subsolem Septem | World Anvil


Female (noun: woman) is one of the three genders traditionally recognized by the Sumraki-Ashaī of Styx and the Church of Serkatha.

Within the society of Styx women were traditionally expected to take dominant roles leading the Church, their families and the state while men tended to hearth, home and offspring.

Following the Great Revolution the old systems were replaced with more equal ones: men and wyreth were placed on the same level as women and given the right to participate in society in any way they see fit.
Despite these legal recognitions and changes the conservative view still sees women as the only ones truly capable of ruling or leading.

The Umbraen Elvish word for "woman" or "female" literally translates to "Like the Goddess".

Some people assigned a male gender at birth do not identify as such; traditionally they were placed in the gender role of wyren and seen as a third gender.
Nowadays people assigned a male gender at birth who identify as female are starting to be legally and socially recognized as such.
Stygian symbol for "female".


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