Evengrad Settlement in Subsolem Septem | World Anvil


Evengrad was a small village outside of Lakesore but has long since become incorporated. Its status as a hamlet however remains as well as many of its historic village-like buildings and farmhouses.
Evengrad stays one of the outermost districts of Styx and it truly is where Styx ends and the countryside begins.
Here many families still live in their old homesteads and tend to small patches of farmland as well as livestock.
Evengrad is broadly divided into North Evengrad, the Serpent's Oar (the part of the town located inside the "oar" of the Western Serpent River), the South Edge and Outerwell which is located to the east right outside the old wall of Lakesore.
The North and the Serpent's Oar are the most modernized and urbanized parts of Evengrad while the South Edge retains its village-like character with the only big cluster of modernity being the headquarters of the Union of Woodwalkers and Leshivoiwards which stands imposing near the edge of the dreaded Leshivoi Forest.
Prominent features of Evengrad are the Evengrad Viehmarket where goods of all kinds are exchanged, the reclusive Convent of Sankt Pyrrhosjak and the Strigoi Istrina Tavern as well as the Old Church of Saint Evangyl.


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