The Mocking Toad Species in Strathnora | World Anvil

The Mocking Toad

A small creature that can remember and repeat messages of up to 24 words for 24 hours. Often left at shop doors to inform customers that the owner will be back in 5 minutes.

Basic Information


Small, dark-skinned and rotund, Mocking Toads are a small breed of slightly magical amphibian. They are considered cute by many due to their size and shape, and the permanent upset or angry expression on their faces, caused by their down-turned mouths.

Growth Rate & Stages

They follow the growth rate and stages of any normal amphibian.

Ecology and Habitats

Originating from the jungles of {Unnamed Continent}, Mocking Toads prefer a warm and wet environment, even when kept in captivity. They can survive for up to an hour outside of such an environment, but quickly begin to dry out after too long.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They consume primarily small insects, due to the size of their mouths.


Generally calm, Mocking Toads show little fear or aversion to people of any ancestry, though they do seem to dislike Gnomes for some reason.   They will repeat the message they have been given when approached and looked at directly. It is unknown whether this is a defensive mechanism, or just a side effect of their magical nature.
A wild Mocking Toad.
Conservation Status
Bred almost solely for their convenient use, Mocking Toads are quite abundant and have even proven popular children's pets.

Cover image: Above the Earth by Peter Dobbin