Silent Stalkers Species in Strathnora | World Anvil

Silent Stalkers

Silent Stalkers are cat-like creatures, known for the aura of silence they emit. While only in a small area around themselves, this aura means that they can not be heard at all, regardless of the terrain, as they approach, making them exceptional ambush predators.

Basic Information


Their appearance can vary from continent to continent, some claiming they have the appearance of lions, while other describe them as jaguars or other large cats.   It is unknown if this is due to a common ancestor that has had divergent evolution, or if Silent Stalkers are in fact just normal large cats that have gained the same form of magic.

Ecology and Habitats

They hunt in small packs of 3 or 4, often stalking their prey for several hours before striking at the most opportune moment.
Silent Stalkers by Appy Pie Design
Some examples of Silent Stalker appearences.

Cover image: Above the Earth by Peter Dobbin