Secrets of the Shrouded Wharf Plot in Strathnora | World Anvil

Secrets of the Shrouded Wharf

In the labyrinthine alleys of Havenport's Docks District lies the mysterious Shrouded Wharf, a place cloaked in whispers and enigmatic tales. As a budding investigative journalist, you embark on a journey to unravel the secrets hidden within this veiled harbor. Dive into the dimly lit corners, where the scent of salt mingles with the murmur of clandestine conversations.

Plot points/Scenes

The Concealed Trades:
Explore the hidden trades thriving in the shadowy recesses of the Shrouded Wharf. Uncover the clandestine deals, exotic goods changing hands, and the subtle dance of illicit commerce that keeps this district shrouded in secrecy.   The Enigmatic Guild:
Rumors speak of an enigmatic guild that operates from the depths of the Shrouded Wharf. Delve into the history, practices, and motivations of this secretive organization. Are they protectors of hidden knowledge, smugglers, or something more mystical?   Nocturnal Encounters:
The Wharf comes alive at night, with mysterious figures traversing its narrow paths. Document the nocturnal activities, capture the atmosphere of the clandestine meetings, and piece together the puzzle of why these characters choose the cover of darkness.   The Maritime Folklore:
Speak to the seasoned sailors and old-timers who harbor tales of sea monsters, ghost ships, and ancient curses that are said to be tied to the Shrouded Wharf. Unearth the maritime folklore that adds an extra layer of mystique to this already enigmatic locale.   The Missing Artisan:
A skilled artisan has gone missing, and rumors point to the Shrouded Wharf as the last place they were seen. Investigate the disappearance, interview locals, and follow the trail to uncover the truth behind this mysterious event.   A Tavern's Secrets:
Enter the dimly lit tavern nestled in the heart of the Shrouded Wharf. Engage with the patrons, eavesdrop on conversations, and discover the hidden stories that the walls of this establishment might hold.   The Ghostly Lighthouse:
A lighthouse at the edge of the Shrouded Wharf is said to be haunted. Explore the history of this spectral place, interview locals who claim to have witnessed ghostly apparitions, and determine whether the tales are mere superstition or rooted in reality.   Magical Artifacts Market:
Uncover the existence of a clandestine market dealing in magical artifacts. Investigate the origins of these items, the sellers, and the potential impact on the magical equilibrium of Havenport.   The Shrouded Wharf's Guardians:
Some say that ancient guardians protect the secrets of the Shrouded Wharf. Dive into the lore surrounding these mythical protectors and investigate whether there is any truth to the tales.   A Wharfside Conspiracy:
Unravel a conspiracy brewing in the shadows of the Shrouded Wharf. Piecing together fragments of information, expose the hidden machinations that threaten to disrupt the delicate balance of power in this secretive district.



Rumors have spread through Havenport of a hidden district known as the Shrouded Wharf, a place cloaked in mystery and veiled in secrecy. The players are approached by a discreet figure – a local historian named Lirael Swiftwind – who believes that within the Shrouded Wharf lies a forgotten artifact of great historical importance. As they embark on this clandestine quest, they must navigate the enigmatic alleys, uncover the concealed trades, and confront the nocturnal secrets of this hidden district.

Rising Action

Navigating the Veiled District:
The players must navigate the labyrinthine alleys and hidden passages of the Shrouded Wharf, avoiding patrols and discovering secret entrances.   Tavern Tensions:
Infiltrate a dimly lit tavern frequented by the locals of the Shrouded Wharf. Engage in conversations, gather information, and be cautious not to draw unwanted attention.   Guardians of Secrecy:
Encounters with the rumored guardians of the Shrouded Wharf – mysterious figures who patrol its shadows, ensuring its secrets remain hidden.


Confronting the Guild:
Infiltrate the enigmatic guild suspected of involvement. Players must navigate a complex web of intrigue, gaining the guild's trust while extracting information.


As the players delve deeper into the Shrouded Wharf, they uncover layers of intrigue. The artifact, once a symbol of Havenport's ancient glory, holds the key to a forgotten pact between magical factions. The guild, a relic of this bygone era, seeks to use the artifact's power for their mysterious goals. The players must decide whether to preserve history, disrupt the guild's plans, or unearth a greater, hidden truth that could reshape Havenport's future.



The Missing Artifact:
Lirael reveals that an artifact crucial to Havenport's history has been lost for centuries, and whispers suggest it lies within the Shrouded Wharf. The players are tasked with retrieving it to preserve the city's heritage.   Mysterious Guild Involvement:
Intelligence points to the involvement of a secretive guild within the Shrouded Wharf. The players must infiltrate the guild, gaining their trust to discover the artifact's location.   Nocturnal Activities:
Witnesses claim the Shrouded Wharf comes alive at night with strange activities. The players must navigate the nocturnal world of clandestine meetings, uncovering the secrets that only the darkness can reveal.
Shrouded Wharf by Appy Pie Design
The Shrouded Wharf
Plot type
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Cover image: Shrouded Wharf Header by Appy Pie Design