Arnold Helios Character in Strathnora | World Anvil

Arnold Helios

Arnold Helios is a distinguished-looking man with silver hair and a long beard. His eyes radiate a warm and celestial light, revealing his deep connection with divine forces. He often wears ornate ceremonial robes adorned with celestial symbols, signifying his esteemed position within the order.  

Challenges and Responsibilities:

Maintaining Balance:
As High Hierarch, Arnold faces the challenge of maintaining the delicate balance between celestial harmony and the complexities of mortal existence. He strives to guide the order with wisdom, ensuring its members remain true to their divine calling.  

Legacy and Future Vision:

Building a Lasting Legacy:
Arnold envisions a future where the Order of Celestial Harmony continues to flourish, spreading its teachings of compassion and unity. He is dedicated to training the next generation of clerics and ensuring the order's enduring legacy.   High Hierarch Arnold Helios stands as a paragon of celestial virtue and a guiding light for those who seek spiritual enlightenment within the Order of Celestial Harmony. His leadership ensures that the order remains a bastion of celestial influence in the world.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Divine Authority:
Arnold is a master of celestial magic, capable of channeling powerful divine energies. His spells are marked by their harmonious nature, bringing healing and protection to those in need. As High Hierarch, he has a profound connection with celestial beings.

Apparel & Accessories

Symbol of Office:

Celestial Scepter:
Arnold carries a celestial scepter, a symbol of his authority and connection to the divine. The scepter is adorned with celestial motifs and is said to channel the energy of the heavens.

Mental characteristics


Role in the Order:
Spiritual Leader: Arnold serves as the highest-ranking authority within the Order of Celestial Harmony. He guides the order's members in their spiritual journeys, oversees rituals and ceremonies, and ensures that the order remains true to its founding principles.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ascension to Leadership:
Arnold's journey within the Order has been one of unwavering dedication. He rose through the ranks, demonstrating exceptional wisdom and leadership skills. Upon the retirement of the previous High Hierarch, Arnold was chosen to succeed, marking a new era for the Order.   Miraculous Healings:
Throughout his career, Arnold has gained renown for performing miraculous healings and acts of divine intervention. These feats have solidified his reputation as a beacon of hope and a conduit for celestial power.

Intellectual Characteristics

As High Hierarch, Arnold embodies the virtues of wisdom, compassion, and dedication to the celestial cause. He is known for his calm demeanor, thoughtful decision-making, and genuine concern for the well-being of both members of the Order and the people they serve.

Morality & Philosophy

Harmony and Unity:
Arnold preaches the importance of finding harmony within oneself and fostering unity among all beings. He emphasizes that by embracing the celestial forces, individuals can contribute to the greater harmony of the world.
Neutral Good
Current Status
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Current Residence
The Catherdral of the Gods Private Room
Aligned Organization

Cover image: OoCH Header by Appy Pie Design
Character Portrait image: Arnold Helios by Appy Pie Design