Hemalurgic Coffin Nail, Black Magic Acupuncture Spell in Stranger than Fiction | World Anvil

Hemalurgic Coffin Nail, Black Magic Acupuncture


Hemalurgic coffin nail allows its user to steal the manifested powers of another person.  The way in which it does this is complicated, but the essence of the ability is the user creates nails of various sizes which they attempt to stab into an opponents weak spot.  Once the nail is embedded the user of the ability attempts to rip it out within a set time limit, if this is accomplished, then the target's manifested power is stolen.  The user can then use the stolen ability by ramming the nail into their own flesh.

Side/Secondary Effects

As a side note, when the user of the power places a nail in themselves, it doesn't actually cause any physical pain or discomfort for them, nor does the nail damage or compromise their vitals.  They are able to remove or place the nails as they please within themselves or others without taking or dealing any damage.  Hence its other name, Black Magic Acupuncture.


The ability manifests as black nails with normally circular heads whose size can be manipulated by the user.  They can be anywhere from the size of an earing spike to the size of a claymore.  Although larger nails are possible, their mass is determined by their size and shape not by the ability user.  This ability is also able to conjure a gun that looks like a Walther P30K called Winnower, this gun can fire the nails like bullets with a range up to 30 meters.
Related Deity/Higher Power
Applied Restriction
There are a series of restrictions an sub restrictions which make this ability effective for use against others.  But in order for the power to be used a series of conditions must be met first, otherwise the summoned nails are only nails and will only do damage as such.  
  1. The user must first see the target's manifested power. 
  2. The user must receive an explanation of the target's manifested power within 10 minutes of seeing the target's manifested power.  The target must confirm whether or not their guess is correct, and the explanation must be thorough enough to cover the basics of the target's ability. This can be done in two ways:
    1. They can ask the target and if the target explains.
    2. Or they can guess the ability and receive confirmation from the target about whether they are right or wrong.
  3. Once these two criteria have been met, and the user places a visible mark on the target's body.  The mark is usually circular with an intricate design unique to the target.  The mark has a radius of about 2 cm, and is highly visible, showing through skin, clothing, hair, etc.  This mark will not disappear until it is struck or dismissed by the user of hemalurgic coffin nail, or if the target dies by some other means.  Once this mark is placed the only way for the user to injure the target is to attack the mark, otherwise the damage from the attack is nullified giving the target a pseudo-invulnerability to the the user so long as the mark was not the area hit (although impact force and the laws of physics still apply).  
  4. If the mark is pierced anywhere within its area by one of the user's nails, the target takes severe damage and the mark seemingly disappears.  It actually changes position and appears on the nail head.  
  5. The user then has 10 minutes to remove the nail from the target, if the nail is not removed within the set time limit, then the nail and all damage dealt by it vanishes and the target's manifested power cannot ever be stolen by the user.  
  6. If the damage from the initial mark's placement is sufficient enough to kill the target, then that also fails to steal the power.  
  7. If the user is successfully able to remove the nail from the target, then the manifested power of the target is permanently stolen.  


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