Matterhild Settlement in Stormheim | World Anvil
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The small town that will lead to big things

By Dungeon Master
Matterhild Village is a small, rough-and-tumble fishing town located near the edge of Matterhorn Forest. A babbling river flows out of the forest and through the village, giving them a steady source of food and drink even in the toughest of winters. Residents of Matterhild lead a simple life, servile to the local lord; King Magnus, Lord of the Matterhorn, sending him hefty tributes of fish and game. One of the centrepieces of Matterhild is The Wailing Wight, a large inn near the centre of town. Often inhabited by merchants, adventurers and other 'unsavoury' folk, it's an understatement to say that King Magnus is not happy with such a collection in one of his most important towns


Matterhild is mostly run in a joint effort by a collection of Humans and a family of Dwarves. The Burast Clan are a small offshoot clan of The House of Glorygem, who mostly run stereotypical Dwarven roles- taking jobs as guards, smiths and workers. However, the humans also get their hands dirty in Matterhild, forming a bond between the two races that keeps the village running smoothly.


Matterhild is usually left to it's own devices and allowed to rule itself under Mayor Hans Valdsen, just as long as the tributes of fish and crops keep coming. If the tribute was to ever stop, however, King Magnus would bring down an iron fist on the town, spelling an end to its days of relative freedom from their king. Until that point Hans and his council would remain as widely loved and cherished leaders.


Lacking any watchtowers or walls, it's the ever vigilant Matterhild Guard that look after the town. Composed of a mix of Dwarves and Humans, the guard are the first and only line of defence against anything looking to harm or destroy the village.


Much of the machinery in Matterhild depend on the water wheels that line the river banks, grinding grain and producing mead. Most other work is done by hand, produced by the many smiths and craftmen of the village. The most important of these establishments is Ganrur & Sons, a Dwarven owned blacksmith that produces the weapons and armour used to fight of beasts that live beyond the borders of the village. Ganrur & Sons also makes sales selling weapons to passing adventurers.


Most (if not all) of the villages weapon stores and funds are kept in a secure underground safe located in the town hall. This includes mid level armour and weapons kept away from common folk but most importantly away from any slightly stupid goblin raiders who would never think to look there. Mordecai's Item Emporium, a temporary travelling shop thayt has stayed in Matterhild for almost 10 years hold most of the other expensive items, along side the Ganrur & Sons.


The area surrounding Matterhild is mostly green, rolling plains that occasionally morph into temperate forests of oak and ash. Elk, wolves and other medium sized creatures roam the land. However, the area isn't safe from goblinoid raiders, with orcs, goblins and even sometimes ogres being rare but not unheard of.

Natural Resources

The most important of Matterhilds natural resources are their aforementioned fish hauls and the high quality ash wood found growing in the nearby portion of Matterhorn Forest. This wood is lightweight and strong, making excellent building material for huts, halls and hilts. Fresh water during the winter from the brook is also key to their survival.
Alternative Name(s)
Matterhild Town, The Town on the Lake
Inhabitant Demonym
A thriving human-dwarf town, Matterhild is one of the biggest settlements for miles around

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