Vektra Prime Geographic Location in Stories of a Galaxy | World Anvil

Vektra Prime

Vektra Landscape.jpg


Vektra Prime is one of the colder planets that can sustain year-round permanent inhabitance of humans in the galaxy. The planets climate is made up of several belts, with a wide temperate belt around the equator, with two medium width sub-polar belts on each side of the temperate belt, that borders the two large polar ice caps of the planet.

The landscape of the Vektra Prime comprises of a variety of features, including vast swathes of coniferous forest, majestic mountain ranges, rolling heaths, and sprawling moorlands. The region is characterized by a unique ecosystem, with diverse wildlife inhabiting the different terrains. The tundra, in particular, stands out for its stark beauty and rugged terrain, with a formidable climate that has adapted the flora and fauna to the harsh conditions. Overall, the area is a natural wonder, a testament to the enduring power of nature, and a paradise for anyone who loves to explore the great outdoors.  
by S. Mikkelsen

Localized Phenomena

Vektra is a unique destination where visitors can witness the mesmerizing spectacle of dancing polar lights and the soothing warmth of geyser hot springs. The spectacular display of lights in the night sky is complemented by the natural beauty of the geothermal activity that powers the hot springs. Whether one wishes to spend their days soaking in the hot springs or taking in the stunning display of colour in the skies, Vektra is a destination that offers a truly one-of-a-kind experience.


The system was once known by a different name during imperial times, but it was forgotten during the galactic civil war. In the Dark Age, it was given as a Fief to Vektra, who was a gifted female kin of the emperor, and the system was named after her - becoming known as the Vektra system. Vektra was the first Dutchess of the system, leveraging her talents to steer the world towards progress and prosperity. Her administration was marked by a dedication to justice, establishing a reputation that preceded her name. Vektra's legacy lives on to this day, as a lasting monument to the strength of women in power. and her name has been associated with the world ever since.

The Raxxians and Thuleians have settled on the planet due to its remarkable similarity to their homeworld. The planet's climatic conditions, flora and fauna, and land formations were all found to be quite similar to those on their homeworlds. The settlers were easily able to adapt to their new environment, making the planet their new home. They have also been able to utilize their knowledge of their homeworld to help manage the new planet's resources effectively. The successful settlement has led to increased cooperation and trade between the two species.

Vektra houses the Mannerheim institute, a military complex that serves as an officer school and R&D facility. The institute is where new weapons and vehicles are tested, and military doctrine and technology are developed. This large complex is at the forefront of military innovation and plays a critical role in advancing defence capabilities of the Dominion. The Mannerheim Institute is named after General Erich Gustav von Mannerheim who was a Vektran Baron and renowned for his exceptional military expertise. He was admired for his strategies and operational abilities showcased during the Vardos campaign, where he lead both Vektran and Hursan regiments, he demonstrated his proficiency in cavalry formations. Under his leadership, he had led both men and machines into successful battles. with one of the regiments accumulating so many battle honours that it was awarded the honorific of "Hussars". The institute pays homage to his legacy and continues his passion for military excellence through research and education.

Vektra boasts a strong military culture, with ample volunteers regularly enlisting in its army regiments. This has significantly reduced the need for conscription, which is now mostly reserved for Navy requirements. The planetary forces has been inspired by legendary figures like Mannerhiem, resulting in a prevalence of cavalry troops.

The Duchesses are adored by Vektrians and revered by Thuleians and their hybrids for advocating their rights and liberties in the house of lords and to the throne. Their efforts have earned them widespread admiration and respect. Vektra operates under a democratic system mostly, with the Grand Dutchess stepping in only when required. Elected politicians run the planetary government, but if they can't agree, the Grand Dutchess intervenes to fix any injustices, thusly The planetary government of this system runs with minimal involvement from the Grand Dutchess. with Elected politicians make decisions until necessary intervention is needed to resolve disputes or injustices.
by S. Mikkelsen
UWP: A767946-E Ga Hi Ht
Alternative Name(s)
Ruling/Owning Rank

Articles under Vektra Prime