Straya Prime Geographic Location in Stories of a Galaxy | World Anvil

Straya Prime


Straya Prime is a planet in the Straya system with a naturally habitable environment. the planet is made up of a single super continent with some surrounding islands spread across its world ocean. due to the planets higher temperatures there is no Ice caps on the world. due to wind from the oceans the temperature is lessened, this combined with the easy access to water, there is a denser green zones along the coasts. while the coasts are green, the inland area of the main continent is very arid, with everything from red-sanded bushland and even in the areas with the highest temperatures sandy dune deserts. between the coast and the inland arid, there is a belt of tropical savannah fading the green coasts into the arid inland the further inland you get. outside of the world ocean, there is also some inland lakes with the majority located in the savannah zone. with each lake bringing with it an increase in planet and wild life surrounding it. while generally dominated by relatively wide open spaces, there is some mountain ranges on the continent, with the longest mountain range running along the length of the western coast from the tip of the southern peninsular and northwards. most of the montain ranges are coastal with only a few being found in the interior.  
by S. Mikkelsen

Natural Resources

Straya Prime is a planet that is rich in natural resources. Agriculture is an important part of the planet's resources, with cereal crops and cattle being the primary sources of food. Mineral mining is also important, with bauxite, iron, gold, uranium, and many gem stones being extracted from the red sand soils of the planet. Additionally, large amounts of natural gas are found on Straya.  


The history of Straya is closely tied to the Galactic Empire and the Outer Rim Confederacy. During the imperial age, the world of Straya was chosen by the Galactic Empire as a prison world, with many penal colonies scattered across its surface. This was done in an effort to solve a prisoner housing problem, while also exploiting the resources of the planet with cheap labour.   Each colony had its own production targets, and these were overseen by a warden and their staff. The staff included guards, medical personnel, technicians and administrators, who all brought their families with them. The colonies focused on exploiting natural resources such as mining, farming and fishing, with the prisoners providing the work force. The most trusted prisoners earned foreman positions to manage their crews. due to there being no separation between male and female prisoners, overtime some families where formed by prisoners, with their children not being prisoners but still living among their parents. while it could happen, descendants of prisoners and descendants of staff would very rarely mix owing to the sharply divided society that grew into being.   A regular cycle was established, with ships arriving to bring in new prisoners, while leaving with resources and staff rotating off-world. Life on Straya continued like this for a long time, with the colonies becoming specialized in certain activities.   with the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War this all changed. with many of the staff that could, leaving along with their families on the last arrival. leading to some colonies finding themselves without any guards some from one day to the next. while many staff left not all could, or would, some kept trying to suppress the prisoners in their colonies, attempting to maintain a status quo. while in other colonies the staff sought to live in balance with the prisoners, accepting that with no backing from a strong power, things needed to change if they were to survive.   while there had been a few unrest before in the colonies, this sudden dramatic shift, lead to many struggles internal in colonies. as vacuums of power got filled and challenges with fulfilling the needs for survival had to be overcome. not all colonies survived, as desperation and frustration would often lead to violence, this lead to some colonies becoming abandoned ghost towns, with everyone either dead, or having left to roam the wilderness. other colonies did better, some colonies forming leadership around pre-existing prisoner gangs, or in less violent cases around foremen and their crew. while others retained a warden of some kinds, with some having it being an elected position while others not so much.   Overtime this caused there to be many small city states being form around the various colonies. as time progressed and these city states started to come back into contact with each other, wars between colonies broke out. wars that would fought over both resources as well as ideology. While the colonies fought each other and dealt with internal struggles. with the increasing lawlessness across the galaxy born from the GCW, worlds like Straya became targets for raids from pirates as well as slavers seeking a quick gain. while the wars were fought the external threats persisted, even as the colonies finally managed to form a unified government that provided them the best chances of resisting the threats.   though to get rid of the threat a force able to have a presence in space was need, while Straya was rich in resources, the same resources that made them a target for pirates, they lacked the knowledge and facilities to construct a space faring force. as society stabilized outside of pirate and slavers, free-traders were also drawn to the worlds resources. through this contacts was established with some of the other systems in what would become the Outer Rim Confederacy. when able Straya joined the ORC, to lessen the threat from pirates and slavers, while it also gained reliable access to a wider market for its resources. With Straya´s history it is today one of the staunchest protectors of civil rights within the ORC.
by S. Mikkelsen
UWP: C868744-D
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