Remus Geographic Location in Stories of a Galaxy | World Anvil


Remus, a system of stark contrast, harbors two distinct worlds: Prime, once a bustling metropolis reduced to industrial decay, and Secundus, born anew as a haven of fertility and hope. While Prime's ruins echo with the remnants of a bygone era, Secundus thrives amidst lush landscapes and abundant harvests. Yet, both worlds share a history of upheaval, shaped by the aftermath of war and the resilience of their inhabitants.


The Remus System is made up of two "main" populated worlds.

Remus Prime, once a thriving ecumenopolis, now stands as an industrial scrapyard—a wasteland of discarded remnants after the Galactic Civil War's ravages. Its once-pristine atmosphere and water sources have turned toxic from countless pollutants, rendering surface habitation extremely challenging. The population, once in the billions, has dwindled to under 100,000, mostly laborers employed by scrapping corporations seeking profit from the remains.

Remus Secundus, a former farm colony for Prime, has risen as the system's primary planet after Prime's downfall. Its habitable environment has fostered human settlement, with its fertile soils and pastoral landscapes transforming it into Prime's breadbasket.

Fauna & Flora

The flora and fauna of the Remus System are varied and diverse. On Remus Prime, the toxic atmosphere and harsh environment have led to the emergence of hardy and resilient plants, such as the hardy red shrub and the black-bellied lichen. The planet is also home to creatures adapted to its hostile environment, such as the Remus viper and the Remus wild dog.   Remus Secundus is a much more hospitable world, and its diverse ecosystems are home to a wide variety of plants and animals. There are many species of wild flowers, including the fragrant pink jasmine and the orange-tipped lily. The planet is also home to a variety of animals, such as the Remus wildcat and the white-tailed deer.

Natural Resources

The Remus System is home to a variety of natural resources. Remus II is well known for its pastoral lands, bringing with it a high yield of agricultural products such as grains, meat, and milk from husbandry animals, as well as timber from its naturally growing forests The large world ocean of Remus II is also exploited for its fishing as a secondary food source. Additionally, the planet holds mineral deposits, though these remain underutilized due to the focus on salvaging metals and minerals from Remus Prime's ruins.


Prior to the GCW the Remus system was part of the Scytarii-Imperii houses fiefs. during the war one of the rivalling houses, Perses-Imperii, attacked Remus Prime, a crucial Scytarii stronghold on the brink of becoming an ecumenopolis. House Perses forces layed waste to Remus prime, before retreating when remnant Scytarii forces appeared. with Remus prime now made uninhabitable, or at least not worth the effort, the remnant Scytarii, salvaged what they could and retreated from the system. but not before having emptied the granaries of the farming colony known as Remus Secundus.after being raided and threatened by pirates, mercenaries and warbands for their food stocks, without any help from Scytarii forces, the inhabitance of Secundus realized they had been abandoned and formed their own planetary government. which later came to be one of the founding members of the ORC.

During the dark ages, the Secundus was generally welcoming to off-world refugees, they had the food to spare, so it was the right thing to do with their own history in mind. this both grew their population significantly and provided for an influx of cheap labour. with this cheap labour, entrepreneurs set up a number of salvage and scrapping companies that operated on Remus Prime. these companies at times adds to the junk of the surface by crashing old ships into their "lands" of the planetary surface for later scrapping.
by S. Mikkelsen
by S. Mikkelsen
UWP: A768746-E Ag Ht Ri

Class A
7 Large
6 Standard
8 76%–85% liquid surface
7 X0.000.000s Tens of millions
4 Rep. Democracy
Law level
6 Moderate
Tech Level
E (14) Very High
Trade Code
Ag - Agricultural, Ht - High Tech ,Ri - Rich

Owning Organization

Key Players:
Outer Rim Confederate Defence Forces
Outer Rim Confederate Marshals
Outer Rim Confederate Outriders
Remus Orbital Conglomerate