Nova IV Geographic Location in Stories of a Galaxy | World Anvil

Nova IV

by S. Mikkelsen


Nova IV is the fourth planet in the Nova System, measured from the star outwards and only naturally habitable planet. Nova IV is cold-temperate planet, covered mostly in boreal and arctic climates, with several large mountain chains, that form some inland wide open cold grassland parries.

Fauna & Flora

The planet's unique climate and terrain have given rise to a hardy ecosystem. Indigenous creatures adapted to the cold climate roam the forests and plains. Hardy plant life, including coniferous trees and cold-resistant grasses, thrive despite the challenges posed by the climate. including various insects and lizards that prey on them. Mammals such as the Novian Red Hare, Novian Elk, and the Novian Bears and Wolves that hunt them, contribute to the complex web of life. Among the avian creatures, several smaller insect-catching birds and a variety of birds of prey soar through the skies. The Novian Falcon and Fellclaw are prominent members of the avian community, each with its own unique hunting strategies and behaviors.  
  Fellclaw Raptor:   Known as "Fellclaw," this cunning predator roams Nova IV's cold grassland parries and coniferous forests. Evolving as a master of stealth, agility, and calculated hunting tactics, the Fellclaw Raptor stands around 2.1 meters tall and 3.7 meters long. Its muscular body is covered in insulating feathers, blending with earthy tones and mottled patterns. Its wickedly sharp talons on hind feet can pierce armor, making them formidable weapons for hunting and defense. Fellclaw Raptors are intelligent and social predators, often hunting in small groups using ambushes, pack coordination, and strategic planning. Their presence influenced city design, with fortified walls protecting against their raids. Respected yet feared, Fellclaw Raptors symbolize the balance between nature's ferocity and human resilience on Nova IV.

Natural Resources

Nova IV's rugged landscape is not only home to diverse flora and fauna but also holds valuable natural resources that have shaped the planet's development. The wide-open cold grassland prairies are not just picturesque; they also serve as fertile land for robust agricultural production. Vast fields yield hardy grains and crops, sustaining both the planet's inhabitants and its trade with neighboring systems.   The dense coniferous forests, in addition to their ecological importance, have provided a steady supply of timber for generations. This hardy wood is utilized for construction and crafting, supporting the planet's architecture and various industries. Beyond wood, the mining industry taps into the planet's mineral wealth. Iron and bitumen are extracted from the soil. Bitumen, a viscous form of crude oil, is extracted from vast open-pit mines across Nova IV's terrain. contributing to the production of essential materials for infrastructure, technology, energy generation and more.   The convergence of agriculture, bitumen extraction, and other mineral resources shapes the economic landscape of Nova IV, echoing the self-sufficiency and resourcefulness of frontier life. The planet's inhabitants have mastered the art of balancing their needs with the preservation of their environment, creating a harmonious coexistence that reflects the tenacity of Nova


During the height of the Galactic Empire's dominance, Nova IV was governed by the influential House Scytarii-Imperii. However, the Galactic Civil War shook the foundations of this world's stability. The planet became a battleground as House Perses-Imperii forces, under the leadership of General Marcius, waged a campaign against House Scytarii-Imperii. The invasion left scars on the land, both from intense battles and the decimation of the population.   In the aftermath of the fall of House Perses-Imperii, General Marcius found himself with a loyal but unpaid military force. He held fond memories of Nova IV and recognized its untapped potential. Driven by a desire to rebuild and revitalize, General Marcius returned to the planet with his army, ousting the remnants of House Scytarii-Imperii's influence. His military experience and leadership skills allowed him to secure the planet against pirate raids and slaver attacks that plagued other regions. Under General Marcius's guidance, Nova IV underwent a transformation. The scars of war slowly gave way to rebuilding efforts, and the planet's population began to recover. The military's presence not only maintained order but also instilled a sense of security among the populace. With time, General Marcius's leadership became a beacon of hope.   Recognizing the potential for growth and prosperity, Nova IV made the decision to join the Outer Rim Confederacy (ORC). Becoming a member of this union offered the planet access to a broader market, enabling the export of its agricultural produce, timber, and minerals while gaining access to essential resources from other ORC worlds. The decision to join the ORC also solidified Nova IV's commitment to collective defense. The scars of conflict and the challenges faced during the collapse of the former empire had taught the planet's leaders the value of unity. Within the framework of the ORC, Nova IV found a way to both contribute to and benefit from the broader galactic community.   As Nova IV continues to rebuild and redefine itself, its history serves as a reminder of the resilience of its people and their ability to forge a new destiny even in the face of adversity.
UWP C757755-A Ag Ga Ri
Alternative Name(s)
Nova, Nova Prime
Owning Organization
System details:
Stars: 1x
Planets: 8x
2x Gas Giants
2x Ice Giants
4x Terrestrial