Liberty Geographic Location in Stories of a Galaxy | World Anvil



Liberty III, is a hydrogen gas giant, given the name Liberty Prime in imperial time when one of its moons was the first orbital body to be colonized.   The first moon to be colonized was Liberty Prime Alpha, shortly followed by Beta and Gamma. Alpha is has a single continental land mass, with a few islands in its world ocean. it has polar icecaps with one of the icecaps being part of the continental land mass.   Liberty Beta, was the second moon to be colonized. it was colonised for its mineral rich dirt. Beta is a arid desert world, with no natural surface water. tough some underground deposits of ice and water infused rock was found. as the terraforming advanced many of the remaining ice deposits melted forming underground pockets of liquid water.   Liberty Gamma, was the third moon to be colonoized. it was also colonised for its mineral resources. prior to terraforming the planet had a very thin amostphere with trace gasses. when large underground caves with bodies of liquid water and plant life was found to exsist during the mining of the world, a colonization and terraforming effort was undertaken to make the atmosphere breatable to carbon-based life.


Multiple moons around the gas giant were colonized during the Imperial Era and gradually terraformed. Liberty Prime Alpha was the first moon to be colonized, shortly followed by Beta and Gamma. Liberty Alpha became the primary populated and manufacturing moon, while the other moons were mostly used for their resources. It is unclear why the system was originally colonized, but due to the resource-rich moons, an industrial manufacturing hub grew on Liberty Alpha, attracting more and more citizens and stimulating trade. During the Imperial Age, Liberty Alpha served the Galactic Empire as a convenient place for merchants and travellers to resupply and repair. Its location in the Outer Rim also made it a convenient location for the exchange of serfs and slaves, further stimulating trade. Some slavers even set up markets and settled on the moon.   During the Galactic Civil War, unable to rely on the protection of a central power, Liberty Alpha continued serving the slavers with the already settled slavers able to maintain their wealth through an exchange with out-system slavers. To avoid becoming a target for pirates, the system also welcomed them to use it as a harbour hub for trade, repairs, and resupply. This arrangement allowed the moons around the gas giant to remain interconnected. While this state of existence continued for decades, not everyone was happy with their home being seen as a hive of scum and villainy. Many commoners saw the pirates as a problem that needed to be dealt with, while many manufacturers, merchants, and slave traders benefited from the status quo.   Over time, some of the most powerful and wealthy joined the effort of the commoners, though for other reasons – wanting to continue accumulating wealth without having to constantly manoeuvrer through uneasy deals with pirates. The effort was not entirely one-sided, with some pirates having settled among the commoners, and many companies benefiting from the traffic of pirates coming to and from the moons. the increasing tensions results in outbreaks of violence. with street fights, riots, murder and bombings. a pirate fleet called the Void Corsairs demands of the Liberty Government to bring the situation in order or they will assume control of the system and do it themselves. to this end the Void Corsairs start building up a fleet presence in the system. with new ships joining every couple of days. in response to this the powerful and wealth merchants and slave traders with good connections to the Zygerrians leverage these contacts to get aid. resulting in initially an influx of weapons, followed shortly by Mercenaries and ultimately as the violence reaches its peak, a fleet of Zygerrian and Mercenary warship to help fight off the Void Corsairs just as they start their assault on Liberty Alpha. ultimately the commoners free themselves of the influence of pirate fleets in their system. with the remaining pirates either leaving the system or settling and integrating with society.   Acutely aware of their precarious situation, with a large pirate group swearing to seek vengeance and having had to rely on Mercenaries. The Liberty government starts seeking out allies in order to establish a credible space presence. making Liberty one of the founding members of the ORC.
by S. Mikkelsen
UWP: A377943-F

Class A
3 Small
7 Standard Tainted
7 66%–75% liquid surface
9 X.000.000.000s Billions
4 Rep. Democracy
Law level
3 Low
Tech Level
F (15) Very High
Trade Code
Hi - High Population, Ht - High Tech, In - Industrial

Owning Organization

Key Players:
Outer Rim Confederate Defence Forces
Outer Rim Confederate Marshals
Liberty Dockyards
Lexington Gang
Crowe Gang
Quantum Queen Associated