Lemoyne Geographic Location in Stories of a Galaxy | World Anvil


Lemoyne, a verdant jewel in the Lemoyne system, offers a rich tapestry of landscapes, from sprawling wetlands to rugged highlands. Its fertile meadows and marshes sustain a thriving agricultural industry, while its industrial complexes hum with activity. However, beneath its idyllic facade lies a history of conflict and upheaval, as factions vie for control amidst the aftermath of the Galactic Civil War. Yet amidst the challenges, Lemoyne seeks to chart a course toward stability and prosperity through alliances and resourceful innovation.


Lemoyne is a warm wet world in habitable to human life in the Lemoyne system. It is mostly characterized by the massive crawl of industrialization and unique biomes. Factories and orchards litter the wet swamplands. plantations and farmland in the meadows. Lemoyne consists both of damp marshes and lush rolling hills, red-earth soils, pastures and ponds that make up the meadows. Low-level shrubs and short grass primarily grow in these regions, which is suitable for grazing and ranching. outside of the swamps,marshes and meadows of the lowlands, there is mountainous highlands with snowfall surronded by semi-arid scrubland. with major melt water lakes forming in the highlands runing off into the ocean of the lowlands.  

Fauna & Flora

Lemoyne consists of mostly marshes, floodplains, and swampland, where various semi-exotic creatures are found. The marshes are a habitat for a variety of plants, such as low-level shrubs, short grasses, and other aquatic plants such as cattails and reeds. The swamplands are home to many species of reptiles, amphibians, and fish, as well as birds such as herons, egrets, and ibises. In the meadows, plants are suitable for grazing and ranching and provide food for a variety of animals. there are a variety of mammals such as deer, wild pigs, and rabbits. The Lemoyne system also supports a wide variety of insects, such as dragonflies, damselflies, and cicadas. Overall, Lemoyne is a diverse and interesting environment, with a wide variety of flora and fauna.
  Among Lemoyne´s most infamous wildlife is the Tusk Gator: The Lemoyne Tusked Gator is a large, semi-aquatic reptile native to the Lemoyne system. It is a fierce predator with a long snout and powerful jaws, capable of taking down large prey. It is mostly found in the swamplands and marshes of Lemoyne, where it hunts for fish and wild pig. The Tusk Gator is an ambush predator, most likely to stalk its prey before striking with its powerful jaws. though it is also capable of galloping at high speeds, sometimes being used to sprint out from its hide to strike and drag away prey. Although dangerous it is often hunted for its hide, or simply to keep it away from plantations.

Natural Resources

Lemoynes meadows feature many large plantations with fields of Corn, Tobacco, vegetables and barriers as well as orchards with fruit and nut bearing trees. the meadows also as many ranches with large herds of Cattle. all providing for the basis of a food processing industry. for those not farming there is plenty of opportunity for hunting both in the meadows and in the wetlands. The water logged swamps, the many rivers and the large world ocean are also exploited by a fishing industry. outside of the agricultural industries, there is also some mineral mining and forestry taking place on the world, though these are small operations in comparison to the agricultural. the one extraction industry that comes closets in size is the oil fields. with many oil fields scattered across the wetlands of Lemoyne.   In the industrial field the largest sector is food processing, with meat packing plants and dairies, with a distillery and bio-fuel industry included. while the large oil fields help to feed into a large production of synthetic rubber. while the mineral industry provides for the resources of the local machinery and fire arms industry,


Lemoyne's involvement with the Outer Rim Confederacy began centuries ago when the planet was first colonized. The settlers of Lemoyne were attracted to the planet's abundance of resources, and its potential for industrialization and agricultural production. The settlers quickly established plantations and ranches, and began to extract resources from the planet's rivers, swamps, and ocean. As the planet's economy grew, so did the number of slaves being purchased by the wealthier landowners. This made Lemoyne an attractive target for other organizations and factions, leading to conflicts and skirmishes.   As the Galactic Civil War came to be, these conflicts escalated. Slaves became harder to find, and many of them sought freedom, while roaming gangs of deserters and bandits fought on both sides. Over time, the land owners gained the upper hand and killed off many of their various slave species, making the world predominantly inhabited by humans and enslaved Dreks. With the killing off of many slaves, the landowners started using their gangs to fight in land and slave ownership disputes, further escalating the period of violence and lawlessness on the world, attracting more guns for hire and criminal types.   In an effort to restore some semblance of order and stability, the landowners started joining together, forming factions and seeking peace. This allowed them to return to their businesses by attracting the many refugees roaming the galaxy after the end of the GCW. While the conflict still ravished the planet, the situation stabilized and the land owners sought to attract the refugees to their businesses.   While not all refugees were enslaved, many ended up working for the landowners in slave-like conditions and in a twist of destiny, off-world slavers began conducting raids on the world. While the landowners could use hired guns for protecting their lands, these were not always any more loyal than their last payment. The landowners banded together to establish a planetary defence force, built from the decedents of the mercenaries that ended up taking a liking to their lives on Lemoyne. While this force could generally win in a stand up fight with the slavers, they could not get rid of them.   To achieve that, the Lemoyne landowners had to build a spacefaring navy. A navy they did not have the manufacturing or mineral resources to establish on their own. So when a fledgling alliance that was forming between outer rim worlds reached out, they were quick to join.
by S. Mikkelsen
UWP: C865733-B
Class C
8 Large
6 Standard
5 46%–55% liquid surface
7 X0.000.000s Tens of millions
3 Self-perpetuating Oligarchy
Law level
3 Low
Tech Level
B (11) High
Trade Code
Ag - Agricultural, Ga - Garden World

Owning Organization

Key Players:
Outer Rim Confederate Defence Forces
Outer Rim Confederate Marshals
Outer Rim Confederate Outriders
Lexington Hall
Bayoux Plantations