Inkaanye Geographic Location in Stories of a Galaxy | World Anvil



Inkaanyes is a dry terrestial world with no polar icecaps. its a windswept planet with wide grass plain savannahs broken up by swaths of land with rocky outcroppings surrounding large rock formations.  

Fauna & Flora

Flora and fauna on Inkaanye are likely to be adapted to the windswept terrain and dry climate. Grasses and other hardy plants would be prominent, especially in the savannahs and plains, providing sustenance for the grazing animals. The rocky outcroppings may also contain hardy plants adapted to the harsh conditions. Fauna on Inkaanye is likely to include grazing animals adapted to the open savannahs, as well as small mammals and birds that live among the vegetation. Predators such as large cats, reptiles, and birds of prey may also be present. The rocky outcroppings may be home to hardy species such as lizards and snakes.

Natural Resources

Inkaanyes windswept plains are fertile lands used for agriculture. Most of them are used for pastoral lands with grazing animals, but some are also used for cereal crops and cash crops. With wheat fields, tea and coffee plantations sprinkled in-between the vast plains of wild grass used for grazing animals. Inkaanyes many rocky outcroppings show traces of Gold, Titanium, Copper and Iron. with Gold and Titanium being the primary minerals extracted from the mining industry. While many precious stones can also be mined from Inkaanyes underground.  


Inkaanye is a planet with a long and complicated history. before the Galactic Empire assumed control of the system. it was under the control of a Zygerrian Slave Empire, with many slave markets and many Drek being sold from this location. war between the Galactic Empire and the Zygerrians, which saw the Zygerrians driven from the system. meant that Inkaanye came under imperial Dominance. At the time of the 3rd Slave rebellion, the Drek on Inkaanye rebelled from their imperial masters, and through a long campaign that ended by the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War. which left the Inkaanye Drek now as masters in their own house. though their new found freedom only left them open to raids from pirates, slavers and roaming fleets from the warring factions. this left Inkaanye society fragile for a long period of time, and it degraded into a tribal state.   Though due to the swaths of unused fertile farmland, Inkaanye had a population spike during the Dark Age, from displaced people forming settlements on the world. often on what the tribal Drek saw as their ancestral land. leading to many conflicts between tribes and settlements. all while still under the threat of off-world raiders. though initially very hostile, the interactions between the tribal Drek and the settlers over time came to find a co-dependence on each other, eventually leading to more and more Drek integrating with the settlements. especially the ones that had come to reject old imperial racial bigotry.   It was this desire to unify the planet and protect it from further raids and invasions that led to the formation of a world government on Inkaanye. The world government was formed in order to ensure the safety and security of the world's inhabitants and to ensure that the Drek could live in peace and prosperity. To this end, the world government increased its military presence, established trade connections with other worlds.   Eventually, Inkaanye's world government joined the Outer Rim Confederacy, a coalition of worlds dedicated to protecting the rights and freedoms of its member worlds. By joining the Outer Rim Confederacy, Inkaanye has been able to benefit from the shared resources, technologies, and protection of the coalition.
UWP: C462742-E
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