First Encounter Assault Recon Military Formation in Stories of a Galaxy | World Anvil

First Encounter Assault Recon



FEAR is officially structured like any other regiment within the Imperial army. with a Regimental Headquarters, 4 Line Battalions and 1 Support Battalion.


Once having passed through the selection process, new members would first attend a 8 Week Operator-course. that builds upon the teaching from the selection process, bringing them up to a base standard, qualifying them for deployment and to fully join their Platoon within the Regiment in an operational role.

After the Operator course, members will be selected for specialization training depending on the needs of the regiment. these courses vary in length depending on the specialization, since they can cover everything ranging from advanced medical training, psychology, leadership, interrogation technics, Ballistics, explosives handling, electronic hacking, advanced weapons courses to language courses and many more.



To join FEAR any prospect operator may sign up for the selection process. though to even be allowed to go through the selection process, ultimately you must receive an invitation to attend.   In order to sign up for the selection process, one must fall within the usual limits of joining the regular ranks of the imperial military. though to have chances of gaining the invitation, you must be able to gain a high level of security clearance and already have prior military training, and a good service record. this also allows the higher military staff to invite people whom may not even have applied, if they seem to be a good fit for FEAR.   When the prospect operator have been invited, they will now go through a gruelling 12-week non-stop selection process. during the process, the prospect operators will put through countless physical and mental challenges. they will constantly be pushed to their limits, and constantly being weighed and judged by the instructors. constantly filtering out the unfit, the unsuited. the ones who fall short, and just isnt good enough. throughout, the prospect operator can at anytime call quits and leave, if they so desire. ultimately only a very small percentile make it through the selection process.
Special Forces
Overall training Level