Cybera Geographic Location in Stories of a Galaxy | World Anvil



Cybera, situated on the fringes of the galaxy, is a frigid world with an extreme and unwelcoming environment. While its atmosphere is breathable, it offers little comfort to those who venture outdoors. The planet's surface is characterized by vast, frozen landscapes, covered in thick layers of ice and snow. Towering mountain ranges and frozen lakes dominate the terrain, creating an inhospitable and alien vista.

Natural Resources

Cybera is renowned for its unique and bountiful natural resource: vast underground gasfields. These gasfields have remained a source of incredible wealth and influence for generations. The planet's advanced drilling technology enables the extraction of methane and other valuable gases from beneath its icy crust. Despite centuries of mining, these reserves are far from depletion. The extracted gases serve a multitude of purposes, including energy generation, starship fuel, and industrial applications. Cybera's ability to maintain a steady supply of these precious resources has been pivotal in shaping its history.  
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During the Galactic Civil War, gas mining companies of the world became the dominant political force, with the lack of oversight and security normally provided by one of the imperial houses. These gas mining companies were the only ones with the resources and technology to take advantage of the frozen world. With their advanced drilling technology, they were able to tap into the natural gas reserves beneath the icy surface. This gave them an immense economic advantage, as they could sell the gas to warring parties for a profit. With this economic power, the gas mining companies were able to buy political influence and use it to push their agenda. They used their wealth to buy off politicians and manipulate the laws in their favor. They pushed for legislation that allowed them to increase their profits while limiting the rights of the citizens. This led to a situation where the gas mining companies held a monopoly on the political system, eventually forming a corporate board as a world government.   For the duration of the GCW, Cybera was relatively safe, as it possessed a strategic resource of value to the warring factions. The companies could also afford a well-armed planetary defense force, combined with the harsh environment, making it cheaper to trade for the gas than invade. In turn, this made the companies of the board even wealthier. Over time, the rise in wealth occasionally became too tempting for pirates.   As the GCW progressed, the clientele shrunk, with fewer and fewer warring parties around to buy significant amounts of gas, and the steep rise in piracy and lawlessness of space brought an increased risk of exporting the gas over longer distances to the few remaining big clients. All of these factors had a significant impact on profit margins, and something needed to be done. When the Cybera Corporate Board learned of neighboring systems' attempt to join together for the creation of a navy, they conducted a quick cost-benefit analysis and voted to join the ORC
Owning Organization