Crux Geographic Location in Stories of a Galaxy | World Anvil


Crux Surface


Crux is a wet world with no polar ice caps and an archipelago of tropical islands encircling the planet. Aside from the fruits, vegetables, and fishing foodstuffs that can be harvested from the islands and nearby seas, large deposits of quartz and rare earth metals can be mined from the deep sea.


The limited records that exsist on Crux prior to the Galactic Civil War, indicate that there was no tangible colonization effort on Crux. only being mentioned as a fishing and vacation resort of limited use. During the GCW as the oversight and control of the planet from Imperial hand vanished, the planets pleasant climate attracted many displaced peoples from around the galaxy. but also pirates and raiders found a place to lay low between outings. With the passing of time these communities grew to encompass several islands across the archipelago. some of these Island groups under the control of a pirate lord, others run by elders or local leaders.   While the Communities grew during the GCW, the lack of any meaningful defence, other than pirates who may or may not be present or have any significant care for the community around them. provided able hunting grounds for Slavers, especially Zygerrian. This caused the communities to start banding together for defence. With the Pirate captains who cared for the communities or simply aspired power, forming the backbone of the defence. This did lower the frequency of raids. but some of the captains succumbed to greed, with promises of wealth from slavers. others had infighting over influence and wealth. Life continued like this on Crux for awhile.   during the Dark age a large fleet of Zygerrians invaded the planet. with the clear goal to submit Crux as part of the Zygerrian slave empire. while it had initial success, the Zygerrians was eventually defeated by the pirates and locals. whom had formed a council to coordinate efforts.   The council learned of an early confedration in formation, while acutely aware of the persistent threat from zygerrians and with the risk of ending up themselves being targeted by this new confederations Anti-piracy Policy. the council manoeuvred to Join the ORC, they were included bringing with them a backbone of naval operations experience from the pirate integration into Crux society.
UWP: C769741-E
Owning Organization