Auraxis Geographic Location in Stories of a Galaxy | World Anvil


Auraxis, a semi-arid world of vast deserts and towering plateaus, sustains pockets of fertile land with meltwater from its polar ice caps, breaking up the arid frontier. Amidst its well-developed society, cities rise like oases, bustling hubs of commerce and culture amidst the sprawling desolation. Yet beyond the city limits, the vast and sparsely populated deserts offer ample hideouts for outlaws seeking refuge from the reach of civilization.


Auraxis is a semi-arid world dominated by desert landscapes, broken up with many plateaus. eventhough its dominated by deserts, the planet have two polar icecaps.the melt water from these, provide irigation with its flow over the desert floor forming rivers and lakes in the lower lying lands of the surface. with this water comes life, allowing for bushlands and limited tree growth along the waters edge.

Natural Resources

The arid deserts and its rocky plateaus provides for many quarry and mining operations, having resulted in many minerals being extracted from the ground. while the lands close to the rivers and lakes on the planet surface allows for agricultural use, with both pastures and fields set up, providing both cereal crops and many vegetables, while still allowing for some animal products.


After the Galactic Civil War, the world of Auraxis had fallen from the power of the nobles who had previously controlled it. To fill the void, a force known as the Auraxis Terran Republic (ATR) took control of the planet, with many of the families who had been in power under the nobles of the galactic empire era holding on to their power but now under a new name. Not everyone was satisfied with these powerful families ruling the world as an oligarchy that was seen as far removed from the needs of the common human. Eventually, those who were unsatisfied united to form the New Coalition Party (NCP). The NCP started out as a political party operating within the limited representation the ATR allowed, but as time went on and change was resisted, the NCP began an armed rebellion.   This led to a civil war, though the NCP was not the only ones to fight in an armed resistance. Another party, a group of individuals known as "The Prophecy," had a near-religious devotion to extraterrestrial technology and sought to create a society that was open to all non-human life, believing that life would benefit greatly from the technological development that, in their view, would inevitably follow from close co-inhabitance between humans and extraterrestrials. During the three-way civil war, while the NCP and ATR were extremely hostile towards each other, they shared a common hatred for "The Prophecy." Eventually, "The Prophecy" was defeated, though some rumors suggest they simply left Auraxis. In any case, by the end of the civil war, it was mostly NCP and ATR forces that remained on the battlefields. As casualties mounted and both parties sought to end the war, they eventually arrived at a compromise and a new system of government was established, with a largely democratic and representative government. Today, the successor groups of the NCP and the ATR are political parties operating as friendly rivals within the same system of government.   After the civil war, off-world guns for hire had become a problem for the Auraxis government. While the armed citizenship could help lessen the problem, it brought its own challenges. Over time, the Auraxis Government concluded that, in order to truly stabilize their world, they would need a spacefaring fleet, a fleet that the Government could not afford to finance on their own. This led the Auraxis government to seek out partners in nearby systems. Eventually, this became the Outer Rim Confederacy.
by S. Mikkelsen

Class B
8 Large
6 Standard
3 26%–35% liquid surface
8 X00.000.000s Hundreds of millions
4 Rep. Democracy
Law level
3 Low
Tech Level
E (14) Very High
Trade Code
Ht - High Tech, Ri - Rich

Owning Organization

Key Players:
Outer Rim Confederate Defence Forces
Outer Rim Confederate Marshals
Outer Rim Confederate Outriders
The Outfit