Vuston Geographic Location in Stora | World Anvil
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Written by Writersylvi

A large island country in the far south, cold in climate but still habitable, that once housed the most notable clans of Vampires in the world before war destroyed the land.


A cold, harsh environment, but not uninhabitable. In fact, several cities and towns once thrived, scattered across the hilly, rugged terrain of the island and surviving off winter crops and herd animals.  Tall peaks in the middle of the island support several freshwater springs and rivers, though icy cold to drink directly. One or two glaciers sit within the peaks.    Roughly 935,000 sq miles


Vampires are said to have originated from this land, and their presence is deeply embedded in the culture. For the last several centuries the government has been ruled by the Supreme Patriarch of all vampires, and humans who lived under his rule reported him to be a just and kind leader. He served all his people equally, vampire, human, or otherwise. The Vampire Wars from 577 to 593 BHE, started by Sheostozar's extremist anti magic government, decimated the country, destroying the majority of Vuston's settlements and killing the Supreme Patriarch's entire clan. Most humans fled to other countries never to return, and most vampires were killed brutally. It ended with the Supreme Patriarch's death in 593, after which much debate across the world eventually lead to the Kingdom of Treoria taking ownership of what was left. A few faithful citizens have remained and rebuilt small settlements, mostly along the northwest coast, but the land has been left largely untouched. Treoria has yet to decide what they will do with this territory. Bounty Hunters still regularly visit the island to practice hunting vampires, never failing to find a few still hiding there. Historians and Archeologists also have a regular presence, studying the ruins of cities ancient and modern that are still accessible after the war. Some wish simply to record and preserve the ancient history of a dead kingdom, others wish to prove that vampires are not inherently bad. Some explorers also seek the supposedly massive treasure vaults of centuries-old vampires hidden throughout the rocky hills.


Some wealthy tourists will come to visit during the hotter months, remembering the horrors of war and/or vampires and admiring some of the treasures that have been dug up and displayed in the established ports. Most do not wander far into the island, mostly for fear of vampires.
Prominent Families: The Volkov family originated in Vuston, migrating to Tirastir with their riches and loved ones a few years into the war. They remain active human voices for magical rights in Tirastir's government and culture. They believe humans and magics can coexist, as they coexisted with the vampires of Vuston.
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