Lorigg Manyface Character in Stewpot: Day after Twilight | World Anvil
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Lorigg Manyface

Look - Lorigg is slim, of medium height, with a narrow pointed chin and dark eyes. Her face is usually lit with a smile, especially when meeting new people. She often wears earrings and other jewelry, but some days goes without. Her hair is very interesting: since she has some fae blood on her mother's side, Lorigg can change the color, length, and style of her hair with just a thought, even removing it entirely or growing a beard and mustache. She doesn't have her mother's talent for rearranging her entire face, so she is always recognizably herself to those who know her. Her clothing varies wildly with her mood, from a drab work shirt and pants to colorful skirt and top, she even owns an elegant blue ball gown that comes out on special occasions.

Weapon - A light backsword with silver pommel, wire guard and Keftish water-steel blade
Armor - A black cloak with some clever pockets woven in
Quirk - Hair matches mood: blonde and wavy, or straight long and black, or short brown and curly...

Adventurer Job - Rogue

  • Experience 1 - Cat's Grace (Extraordinary agility)
  • Experience 2 - Nimble Fingers (No lock stays locked, no trap can catch you)
  • Experience 3 - Duellist (Master of the blade)

Town Job - Merchant

  • Experience 1 - Trader (Something you need for something I need)
  • Experience 2 -
  • Experience 3 -
  • Experience 4 -


Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Typically female and feminine-presenting, Lorigg will every once in a while get stuck in a mood (she calls them 'shadow days') where she doesn't want to be associated with any genders.


Lorigg is pansexual and thirsty, but tries not to mix business with pleasure. This means that despite finding all three of her adventuring companions attractive she has yet to sleep with any of them.

Morality & Philosophy

Stealing is wrong unless they deserve it, lying is fun, and some people just need killing.


Family Ties

Lorigg's grandma, Maven Manyface, was a full-on shapeshifter and a minor celebrity. Sometimes people recognize the surname and Lorigg gets to say 'yes that story's true, my ma was there but I wasn't born yet' or something along those lines. Lorigg's ma Sanna passed some years ago while she was out adventuring; she never knew who her father was. There is also a younger brother, Dann Manyface, who is off living his best life with a clan of centaurs.
Flirtatious Good
Usually female
120 lbs
Ruled Locations


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