Lizardfolk Species in Stewpot: Day after Twilight | World Anvil
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Lizardfolk are a humanoid, reptilian race. Lizardfolk are, on average, slightly larger and stronger than other humanoid races.

Basic Information


All lizardfolk have reptilian snouts, slitted pupils, and forked tongues. They always have scales of some sort, though color, size, and thickness are usually reflective of the geography of a given ethnic group.

Lizardfolk have severe sexual dimorphism. Male Lizardfolk are usually anywhere from 78 inches to 98 inches from snout to tail (standing approximately 3/4 that from floor to head), while female Lizardfolk are usually 62 inches to 80 inches from snout to tail (and 2/3 that from floor to head). Males tend to have more muscle mass in the upper body, while females tend to have stronger legs and faster running speeds. These gross differences in stature are generally universal throughout all Lizardfolk, secondary sex characteristics tend to differ between different ethnic groups. No Lizardfolk have been noted to have mammary tissue.

Genetics and Reproduction

Lizardfolk reproduce sexually. Intercourse is between a male and a female, with the result being a clutch of eggs, usually 3 to 5 at a time. Lizardfolk eggs take 45 to 90 days to gestate, depending on ethnicity. Unfortunately, despite the frequency of egg laying, the majority of Lizardfolk eggs are not viable. The reason for this is not known, although most Lizardfolk will explain it as a curse of a long forgotten deity.

Growth Rate & Stages

Lizardfolk generally reach sexual maturity at the age of 20. Young lizardfolk do not show most of the sexual dimorphism until this time, generally remaining approximately the same size. Some secondary sexual characteristics may manifest earlier, depending on the ethinicity. Due to the relative scarcity of lizardfolk children, young lizardfolk are protected and cherished dearly.
Lizardfolk generally begin to decline around the age of 60. Because Lizardfolk are generally hearty and hale, they tend to live long and full lives.

Ecology and Habitats

Lizardfolk of varying shapes and sizes can be found in any temperate or warmer climate. They are most often found in rainforests and deserts, but many island and seafaring tribes also exist. They are fewer in number in temperate climates, often resorting to hibernation in areas with harsh winters. Frigid climates are especially dangerous to Lizardfolk; the only ones you'll find there are adventurers or fools.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lizardfolk are almost exclusively carnivores, living by hunting or herding. Lizardfolk diets are rather varied, however, including anything from beetles, to fish, to ungulates, depending on climate and tribe.

This does not mean that Lizardfolk cannot eat plants. Some Lizardfolk tribes have adapted to herbaceous diets with no ill effects on their physiology. However, even these herbivore tribes will happily eat meat if presented with it.

Biological Cycle

Lizardfolk in climates with harsh winters may hibernate, depending on the tribe's evolutionary measures agains the cold.


Lizardfolk are tribal and very territorial. Even the most civilized tribes tend to keep to themselves. It is more likely that an individual Lizardfolk will live among other races than an individual from another race will be welcome in a tribe.

Because of this, most people view Lizardfolk as xenophobic. The reality is just that Lizardfolk are jealously protective of their holdings and resources; a symptom of their rather low birth rate.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Lizardfolk generally have stronger senses of smell and taste than other humanoids. However, they tend to have poorer eyesight as they rely on their other senses for survival and hunting.

Weirdly, this means Lizardfolk cuisine is often bland or unusual for other races, as they interact with flavors very differently than most others.
Related Ethnicities


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