Eisenwulf Ethnicity in Stewpot: Day after Twilight | World Anvil
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The Eisenwulf date back to the land's most ancient of days, but their story was interrupted due to fey trickery and war. What is most known of the Eisenwulf is their disdain for elvenkind, as well as their distrust of fey. It is also commonly known that most Eisenwulf are werewolves, though this is actually misinformation; werewolves are a minority in Eisenwulf society, though they are a respected and revered minority. The approximate number of werewolves within Eisenwulf territory number roughly 1 in every 10 individuals.   Eisenwulf tradition maintains that those born of 'wolf blood' are initiated in the arts of the hunt as well as the arts of war. However, the Eisenwulf as a whole live in a somewhat communal fashion, though they do have their own king. Eisenwulf technology has just recently discovered steel due to trade; up until recently, they utilized only iron, and the quality of their iron was somewhat poor.   The Eisenwulf occupy a space in the northern reaches of the continent known as the Eisenwald. In ages past, these woods were warm, but ever since the fey pact with the elves sealed the Eisenwulf beneath a glacier, the woods have grown colder. Since their reawakening, the Eisenwulf have experienced tense but cold relationships with the Eisenwald Elves.   Eisenwulf traditions value honor, strength, integrity, and honesty in all things. Eisenwulf typically fight with short, curved blades, hefty axes, or spears. Bows are respected for hunters and some warriors, especially warrior women. Crossbows are unheard of in Eisenwulf technology, and most Eisenwulf dismiss them as requiring little skill to utilize.


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