Sehanine Moonbow Character in Stenneron | World Anvil
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Sehanine Moonbow

Goddess of the Moon (a.k.a. Daughter of the Night Skies, Goddess of Moonlight, Lady of Dreams, The Luminous Cloud, the Lunar Lady, The Mystic Seer)

Summary God of the moon and autumn, Sehanine is the patron of trickery and illusions. She has close ties to Corellon and Melora and is a favourite deity among Elves and Halflings. She is also the god of love, who sends shadows to cloak lovers’ trysts. Scouts and Rogues ask for her blessing on their work. Her teachings are simple: Follow your goals and seek your own destiny. Keep to the shadows, avoiding the blazing light of zealous good, and the utter darkness of evil. Seek new horizons and new experiences, and let nothing tie you down. Sehanine is perhaps the most "human" of the gods. Only Pelor is more involved in mortal affairs, and even he is not interested in the minutia of mortal life. Marriages are sealed in her name, and lovers pray to her to hide their indiscretions from others. Sehanine is married to Corellon and is allies with Pelor and The Raven Queen as one of the gods of the seasons. She is also friends with Avandra and Melora. Sehanine encourages her followers to avoid zealotry and walk the middle line. She is enemies with Gruumsh, Lolth (who was Corellon's first wife), Asmodeus, and Zehir.

Divine Domains

Trickery, Twilight

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Classification
Major Deity
Chaotic Good
Trickery, Moon, Love, Autumn
Favored Beast
Favored Weapon


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