Stemur Battle of the Alamo

Battle of the Alamo

Military action


More surprising than the rebellion of the Three Suns was how quick Santa Anna was able to respond. Almost immediately he marched his army to deal with the rebels. Fearing the United States and or Europe would aid the rebels, Santa Anna made Texas his first priority. If he could take Texas, The States of California and Sonora would be completely cut off from the US and Europe.

Due to Santa Anna's quick response, he and his army were able to reach the Texas boarder before General Jim Bowie and his men left the Sonora territory. Santa Anna's first stop was Austin Texas which had nearby silver mines and was the capital of the new Texas state. His march was be delayed by a small fort called the Alamo located in San Antonio. Here several Texans and Mexican rebels would hold out for 9 days.     The Alamo originally was a school for the EWGE. As Native American raids increased in volume and ferocity, the EWGE teamed with the Mexican Army to fortify the school. The goal was to create a haven civilians and students could hide in until the Native Americans left. When Texas joined California and Sonora in rebelling the Alamo was turned into a fort to defend the road to the city Austin.     William Travis was commissioned as the forts commanding officer and charged with recruiting a garrison. By the time Santa Anna reach the fort, Travis had recruited roughly 250 militia men and women to hold it. Among these was the famous American outdoorsman Davey Crocket. When Santa Anna learned 106 of the defenders were woman, he sent a messenger to ask for the forts surrender for the sake of it's women. The siege began when an unknown woman shot the messenger in the leg. After this Santa Anna raised the red flag and refused to give any parley.     For 9 days and 8 nights the defenders held out. They made up for their lack of cannon on the 3rd night when Davey Crocket led a raid into Santa Anna's camp. During they raid they killed dozens of Mexican soldiers and stole 20 cannons and 5 wagons of ammunition. It should be noted that official records from officers in Santa Anna's army only list 15 wounded, 3 dead, 2 cannons stolen and no ammunition taken.     Things turned for the worst for the defenders on day 6 of the siege. Around 4 pm a lucky cannon shot from Santa Anna's army struck a secondary powder magazine. The resulting explosion created a breach in the southeastern wall and eliminated a 1/3rd of the defenders ammunition. Travis tried to rally the defenders to build a barricade to fill the breach. Using hitching posts and bedframes, a makeshift palisade was made. Unfortunately on the evening of the 9th day Santa Anna's artillery created another breach in the walls. For 2 hours he focused all of his artillery on the area around the breach. Once he felt the area was sufficiently suppressed, he unleashed his cavalry. Fighting for the fort continued for another 2 hours. When the dust settled only 20 defenders were left. These were executed by Santa Anna the following morning.   While the battle was a mixed defeat for the Empire. Not only did many die defending the fort, but large parts of San Antonio were destroyed and many farm fields ruined. However the battle gave General Bowie enough time to reach the city of Austin and defend it against Santa Ana.

Related timelines & articles
Empire of the 3 Suns (article)