Ira Hughs Character in Stemur | World Anvil

Ira Hughs

The first victim of Everett Wells. Ira Hughs was a wealthy man who fell into great gambling dept. When his depts became unpayable he entered into a conspiracy with his friends to get on the new disability welfare. That way the government would pay his depts back for him. However when he started threatening his case worker, things turned for the worse and Mr. Hugh's actions led to the birth of the Phantom Ripper.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ira Hughs was born into a wealthy family in Philadelphia. His father, Ulysses Hughs, ran a bank in downtown Philadelphia. Ira went to Harvard University as a young man until the Civil War broke out. Then he joined other Harvard students in joining the army. Instead of going into combat, Ira joined the supply corps. He helped deliver supplies to troops all across the country.  After the war, Ira returned to Harvard and finished a degree in economic studies. After university, Ira returned to Philadelphia and worked at Gabestone Foundry which refines Laedvatn and steel for air ships. starting from the bottom, he worked his way through the ranks until he became manager of the plant.  While Ira never married, he was never long without female companionship.
Current Location
Date of Birth
September 7, 1841
Date of Death
April 11, 1892
1841 1892 51 years old
Circumstances of Death
bright blue
mostly bald, whats left is white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale with some liver spots
5' 9"


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