Goblinkin Species in Stellarium | World Anvil
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The goblinkin were the original rulers and inhabitants of Paradenia for thousands of years before the arrival of man. There were many years of war that followed after some goblins siding with man and others forming their own services—all which led to their empire crumbling beneath their hands and ultimately forced to flee from their homes.
  Goblinkin includes goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears and verdans. Today the goblin culture varies in their ancestors' alliances.
  Hobgoblins are known for their integrity and tact. Goblins are less intelligent but keener on their hearing and special senses.
  Bugbears are the mightiest in strength and often compete amongst themselves to determine leaders. The Verdans meanwhile are a special goblin race that can only be found in Ethindras.
  In the capitols, goblinkin are mostly noble servants in today’s culture. Out in the frontiers they’re more tribal, but not often found in settlements with mixed races. You may also find them alongside bandits to make a living off the unfortunate. Most goblinkin can be found in the ruins of their buried empire in Khyber.

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