Session 1: The Pressure Cooker Report in Stellar Hegemony | World Anvil
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Session 1: The Pressure Cooker

General Summary

Unfortunately most of Nestor Spire was closed down owing to it being race day. The Savae Cup was on, a major stop on the inter-cluster Chariot racing circuit.     The festivities at the Nestor StellaDrome got off to an alright start, with the opening procession and plays but unrest started to rise with the temperatures largely owing to the atmospheric controls on Savae failing due to trade embargoes from House Cyrus leading to a mild heatwave as well as the Hegemon recently severely limiting the traditional rations dole to all citizens, the crowd's mood was getting volatile and it wasn't helped by the repeated losses by the Archemedes charioteers to both House Oran and the now hated House Cyrus.     The tempers reached a crescendo with the last of the midday executions when to help reinforce loyalty to the Hegemony , the Boule had scheduled Laurel De Vries the beloved former Magistrate of the Clearstone Ward hung for treason for being convicted of assisting the March of Nights  in their budding insurrection. She was lead up to the gallows to be hung, hooded and noose around her neck, the executioner pulled the lever to drop her and that's when the crossbeam on top of the gallows snapped dropping the half hung magistrate to the ground, she was quickly ushered away to the Nestor Penitentiary. Seeing it as an omen the crowd had had enough.     The crowed started raining leftover food and empty cans of Jorp Light at the Hegemon  Box and Archemedes  representatives. Sara  and Kilo happened to be seated near the Hegemon  Box and Kilo pelted the head of the delegation Gaius Hector Sabbatius IV right in the bean with an empty can. Sara  apparently had had enough of the asshole sitting next to her, and bailed him right through another guy and they both spilled out into the track. Just as Greg  noticed the crowd starting to light fires and start to tear the place apart as the panicked Archemedes Security forces tried to get their heads out of their asses and get this situation on lock-down.      It pretty much simultaneously came into all three of their minds to get the hell out of the area by any means necessary, Greg  had the advantage there, he was close to the entrance and quite accustomed to leaving a rough situation as quickly and quietly as possible, whereas Sara  and Kilo had an entirely different situation on their hands.      They were stuck in the far end of the Nestor StellaDrome and had a rioting crowd all around, they avoided the crush the only way they knew how, cutting through it. They shoved their way onto the track as fast as they could and ran into the first cadre of House Archemedes Troops there, or thanks to Sara's a razor instincts ran right through them, the second one went down pretty much the same and Kilo destroyed the third with such authority and gore, that none of the other forces dared challenge them.     It was about then that @Greg had made it out into the street and noticed some agitators avidly whipping the crowds into a frenzy, they began by smashing in the windows and looting Luke's Lutes, Greg dashed into the next door shop to try to get some cover and discovered the proprietors starting to board up the pottery shop. He felt awful for them and so helped them out before noticing the shop had a quiet back entry and proceeded to head into a somewhat less chaotic alley.   Meanwhile Kilo and Sara a had made it just to the cusp of the street, after trashing one of the other loose cadres of guards when the agitators noticed them and were pretty impressed with the small portion of the action they were able to see, they quickly thought better of hassling these two and invited them to come along with them to raid the Nestor Penitentiary and free the imprisoned Laurel De Vries.
Report Date
17 Nov 2019
Primary Location

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