Psionics Spell in Stella Nova | World Anvil
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To influence the world, one must know one's mind. To know one's mind, one must have intelligence. Intelligence is the fulcrum by which the world is turned. 

Psionics is the ability to manipulate the world using only one's mind. Abilities manifest on an individual basis. Training can help trigger potential, but no two individuals can agree on how it can be used. One may use telekinesis as extension of their body, while another manifests motes of light and fire.

Venetians and Octopodes are the only two known naturally psionically sensitive Species. The trait is believed to be a recessive gene, and has been recorded in all sentient species (and data suggests several non-sentient as well).

The scientific cause of Psionics is currently unknown. The exact biological cause appears to be parallel organelles that develop within the brain in early development. The current leading theory is that psionic individuals can manipulate a fundamental natural force that has previously been unidentified, alongside gravity, the strong nuclear force, etc.
Mechanically, Psionic power is available through Exploits. A PSI attribute of 1+ is required to take any Psionic Exploit. The PC will also have a pool of Psionic Points (PP) to use active abilities.

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