The Seven Sisters (Continents)
This article refers to the collection of all seven continents on Stellaris. Not to be confused with the Seven Sisters (Religion) or the Seven Sisters (Magic).
The Seven Sisters is the collective name for the seven continents of Stellaris. In order of size from largest to smallest, they are: Merope, Sterope, Celaeno, Alcyone, Taygete, Electra, and Maia.
Besides the seven main landmasses, there are a host of other relatively smaller island chains scattered across the oceans. Cartographers often argue over assigning these islands as "belonging" to a continent - it rarely is a case of simply judging which continent is closer to the island.
Records from the Former Cataclysmic Era indicate that there were two supercontinents before the Cataclysm: Atlas and Pleione. Geomancers and other druidic sources believe that these two supercontinents were drifting towards each other due to plate tectonics. They would have collided somewhere near the northern edge of what is now the continent of Celaeno. In 0 PCE, at the peak of the Ash'ari Conflict, extremist Ash'ari militants detonated a massive stockpile of mana crystals the city of Sevensglade, in what is now known as the Nullearth Archipelago. The mixture of all seven known elements of magic created an explosion that tore chasms in Stellaris's crust and fractured Atlas and Pleione into the seven continents we know today. It is believed that the explosion also redirected the magma currents beneath the surface of Stellaris, resulting in completely different continental drift directions than was recorded prior to the Cataclysm. Though it occurred merely 600 years ago, Stellaris's many cultures have developed different creation myths which allude to the real events in some shape or form. The plate tectonics theory was only recently rediscovered by geomancers in the 5th Century PCE.
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