Father of Creation, The Divine Inspiration, The Prime Motivator, Cultivator of Thought, Fount of all Ideas
"The mind is the most important tool you have. For within its confines life springs forth. Whether in the form of a child or even in the simple writings of a poem. It all contains the vitality which we all live off of. So if you ignore this tool, but it in the shed and allow it to rust. Becoming brittle and useless as the elements slowing break through the buildings walls and destroy it. You have killed not only yourself, but the thousands of lives it could have given birth to"
-Excerpt from the Book of Thought
A free and joyous spirit. Garto loves nothing more then to prompt stimulate the minds of mortals. He is the most giving of the deities in his gifts, but he refuses to push beings into creation. Or completely form ideas in their minds. He is more then willing to give the spark but the person must build the fire into something spectacular.
He also isn't very picky with who he gives his inspirational sparks to. Any soul who asks shall receive. Even those with greatly destructive purposes. While not enjoying or welcoming destruction, he does see it is one of the most motivational and driving things to invention and creation. The drive to come out on top is strong in mortal beings, and more people seek his help in times of conflict then times of peace. He has a hard time seeing things from an mortal level.
Followers & Avatars
The Helpers
Garto doesn't have to many dedicated clergy who follow him. All those devoted to him and his ideals dedicate their lives to creation and invention. Working with their hands and minds to invent new things to introduce into the world. However there are a handful of followers who devote themselves to Garto's work rather then his ideals. The Helpers function as worldly enablers for those they deem deserving of additional help to further their works. The Helpers are scattered across the world, working in secret and consolidating power, resources, and manpower. When they locate a worthy creator they give them parts, materials, labors, money, and more. Paving the way for them to finish their work. These gifts are almost always anonymous and the recipient is kept in the dark about their source. Usually agreeing to never ask questions in return for the funding.Artificer of the Ancients
A mysterious man who wears a black robe with a single yellow line running down his hood and back. He is said to visit those who seek to derive inspiration from historical or lost technology and lend the knowledge he has gathered of it.Luminary of the Mind
A bright yellow glowing specter. Their features are undefinable because of their brilliance. This is a creature that is said to appear before hopeless souls who have lost their will to live. People who have experienced great tragedy or are moving through dark places in their life. It is said when their light shines onto someone they are filled with an intense elation and desire to move forward, to DO something.Inspiration
It is said no one knows when inspiration will hit you. This is very true, it could be in the middle of work, traveling along the road, or when you are sleeping in the middle of the night. But one thing is for sure, those effected have created impressive things in their lives. Inspiration has been described in many forms but all of them humanoid in brightly colored clothes and wielding a club.Divine Domains
Creation, Invention, Motivation, Inspiration
Holy Books & Codes
The Book of Thought
Surprisingly the only text about the teachings of Garto and what his teachings are. Everything from the divine tenets to respecting followers of the different gods. Though comprehensive it is also very short. Making it easy to transport or memorize.Divine Symbols & Sigils
The sun with sharp rays protruding from it. Usually characterized as yellow.
Tenets of Faith
- Create, never destroy
- Stagnation is akin to death
- Ideas are children, you have them but you do not own them
- Helping another create is greater then creating alone
- Destroying someone's work is like taking a life
- Use all the resources you have, refusing on leads to sorrow
- No creation lasts forever, death is final
Creation Day
Once a year as the calendar rolls over to the next is the day which everyone acknowledges the gods and their work with conceiving Stelair. Of course Garto is the one given the most spotlight as the one who came up with the idea of life in the first place. The day is usually celebrated with special town events such as street fairs and carnivals. Common events include origami, block stacking competitions, cook offs, and a show-in-tell show where people display their finest wears from the past year.Day of Rest
Once every year, the sun itself is turned out and the God Star Garto shines the brightest. It is intended as a day where everyone can relax and recharge for 24 hours. To rejuvenate oneself and keep the mind rested and strong. While most do take advantage if this time of darkness to rest, more and more people have been either ignoring the darkness, using magical light instead, or pursuing their own desires during the extended night.Divine Goals & Aspirations
He derives gratification seeing how the world grows. The more people build, innovate, and of course create the more satisfied he feels. Garto doesn't have a end goal for his followers or himself. He is more then content watching the world evolve and make new things. Helping along those who are working to make something new and interesting.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Father of Creation, The Divine Inspiration, The Prime Motivator, Cultivator of Thought, Fount of all Ideas
Orange eyes speckled with yellow flecks
Long curled black locks
Ruled Locations