Simon's Coat Item in Steampunk World | World Anvil
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Simon's Coat


This particular coat was bought by Moses Hooper, an airship worker, in 1822. Due to the price of the coat at the time, it was something he wore very rarely, and it was passed on to his 27 year old daughter, Mary Green, upon his death in 1833. Mary gave the coat to her husband Roland, who eventually gave it to their daughter Nellie, who passed it on to her daughter, Mildred. Mildred's husband, Stanley Hunt, wore the coat often during his time as a travel guard. However, after his wife's death, Stanley gave the coat to his ten year old son, Simon.   Simon wore the coat regularly throughout his life until he was twenty-two. When Simon went missing from his New York City apartment in 1888, the only thing left was the coat. It was immediately claimed by his younger sister, 15 year old sister Amelia.


While it might not be significant to the average person, it holds a lot of significance for Lou, as it's been in her family for generations, and it's really the only thing left she has that she really associates with her brother.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Current Holder
In design, the coat was fairly common during the rise of the airship in the 1810s-1820s. In the current year, it's a little more rare, except as a hand-me-down or antique.   This particular coat is unique, thanks to its patchwork of repairs and decorations.
Raw materials & Components
This coat is made mostly of imported leather, with iron and brass zippers and buttons.

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