Enchanter Profession in Starstruck | World Anvil


An old profession, losing steam in the current age. Only a few enchanters pass down their art today.


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The sheer rarity of true enchanters means that most are seen as frauds until they prove themselves skilled. Once they produce something none can argue with, they then are elevated to incredibly high status. The masters can even be above the monarchs of a nation.


Enchanting is the earliest form of semi-permanent magic. Usable to some degree by all the races, an enchanted imbues an object with magic as it is created. Magic is channeled through an object while concentrating on a goal or purpose for it. Frequently, this channeling is done while it is being crafted, or while runes are etched onto the object. This wasn't necessary from a creation point of view, but as a mnemonic device. Half the difficulty of enchanting is maintaining the correct mental image for the enchantment. If the creator strayed off even a little anything from an entirely different enchantment being placed to the magic overloading could happen.
The main reason the art has been nearly lost is the Starfall. The sharp decrease in Ambient Magic during and after the cataclysm meant that the legendary enchantments of the last age would kill. An enchanter needed the supplement of ambient magic to supply the energy to continually channel into the object. While people adjusted to the far lower levels, many crafters died by misjudging their mana levels. Hundreds of years later, only a few lines have survived and much of the art was lost with those old masters.
Highly in demand, due to rarity.


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