Shejoran Species in Stars of Destiny | World Anvil


Basic Information


Their bodies are completely hairless. Their hands have five clawed digits. Their legs are bent backwards. They have three toed feet with thick non-retractable claws. A long, muscular tail helps them to keep their balance and to help them swim. Each arm has a transparent fin running along the underside.    They have finned ears and a finned crest running down the center of their heads. They have long, flat noses. Their almond shaped eyes are solidly coloured.   Their skin comes in a wide range of colours. They all have a slightly lighter underbelly.

Genetics and Reproduction

This species is genderless but individuals occasionally will display gender characteristics. The correct gender term is zi for an individual. Zall is the plural form.

Ecology and Habitats

They're from the planet Shejor. They spend most of their time underwater and live in caves. Some have been known to make their homes on small islands. They don't build many artificial structures, preferring to use what exists in nature.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They subsist mostly on fish and other marine animals.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

They don't understand figures of speech and are very literal. They say exactly what they mean to say. Their language doesn't allow for anything else. To outsiders they don't appear to show much emotion, but their faces aren't built to do so in a way that mammalian species understand. Their head fins are used to show how they're feeling, though few people grasp the subtleties of it.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They see very well in the dark but bright light gives them trouble. They can old their breath for hours at a time and are powerful swimmers. They can smell blood for up to 50 km away.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Social status is indicated with jewels, weapons, and shiny stones as fancy clothing is impractical in an underwater environment.   Paler underbellies are highly desirable.

Gender Ideals

As these are a genderless species, gender doesn't matter. The individuals who show gendered characteristics are seen as a curiosity and are less desirable than their fully genderless counterparts.
90 years
Average Height
6' tall


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