Soul Fragmentation Condition in Starlo | World Anvil
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Soul Fragmentation

Soul Fragmentation is the process by which a being's soul is split apart into two or more pieces.   Examples of entities who have experienced Soul Fragmentation:


Soul Fragmentation is typically man-made or divine, and deliberate.  The perpetrator uses some form of magic to split the soul of the victim.


The victim of Soul Fragmentation typically feels weaker and less energetic than they otherwise would, and may have multiple instances of themselves running around.   Soul fragments typically become sticky, as they desire to piece themselves back together.  While they would prefer to rejoin with each other, they will also latch onto any souls nearby, bonding to them until their rightful companions are provided to them.


The only way to cure Soul Fragmentation is to find the lost pieces of the afflicted's soul, and fuse them back together.  While the difficulty of finding the lost soul fragments can vary depending on how much time has passed since the fragmentation, once they are found they will typically rejoin on their own.  Any fragments that have bonded to other souls or soul fragments will eagerly detach from their "companion" and fuse with the other pieces.


Those afflicted with Soul Fragmentation will generally be able to survive on their own with little problem, though their power levels will be severely hampered.  However, this depends on the strength of the original soul, and the severity of the fragmentation.  A single or even double digit number of fragmentations typically has a favorable outcome, while over a hundred fragmentations may result in the afflicted struggling to maintain a physical form.   Should the lost pieces of the soul be rejoined, the afflicted will almost always make a complete recovery.


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