Alize Character in Star Wars: Edge of Destiny | World Anvil
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Master Alize is one of the Jedi who chose to become a Ronin Jedi after the Jedi Order swore allegiance to the Republic.   Master Alize was born into a Mandalorian clan which largely operated as a neutral mercenary company during the first Great Galactic War and the following Cold War. She was found by by the Jedi order when she was 10 years old, and offered the chance to train on Tython. With her family's blessing, she accepted in the hopes of becoming a greater Warrior.   She attained her Knighthood, and then her Mastery during the 2nd Great War. Master Alize spent many years working with a Covert Operations unit of the Galactic Republic.  She is rumored to have played an important part in The Grand Machination


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