Act 1 Summary: Plot in Star Wars the Old Republic | World Anvil
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Act 1 Summary:

Plot points/Scenes

  • Here will be the Summary of Arc 1
  • /*  
  • Chapter 1: The crash, finding out the dangerous wildlife of Nal Hutta, meeting the Evocci,
  • Chapter 2: Establishing relationship with the Evocci, being introduced to the Hutts, and the Hutt conflict
  • Chapter 3: Traveling into Nal Hutta proper. Actions against either Hutt will result in consequences. Players will be approached to meet with either Hutt, depending on where they leaned. Hutt will request action against other Hutt, if not Evocci.
  • Chapter 4: Players meet with contacts, and are assigned tasks to complete.
  • Chapter 5: The Hutt move against each other, try to push each other off the planet (or the Evocci try to push off both Hutts). The players either finish or fail their goals, and find transport of the planet
  • */

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