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Star Wars Campaigns

Old Republic Era

Star Wars

Age of Ruin

Turmoil terrorizes the tumultuous galaxy! It has been fourteen years since the fall of The Galactic Republic and the flames of its resurgence finally stamped out the powers that remain in the Galaxy, attempting to fill the power vacuum. The Mandalorian Entente, the Coalition of the Outer Rim, and the Federation of Free Worlds fight relentlessly over the territory of the dead Republic in attempts to gain Galactic Supremacy.
Their constant fighting and the collapse of the widespread rule of law have brought forth the rise of Infamous Pirate Crews, Notorious Crime Syndicates, Merciless Bounty Hunters, & Exploitative Interstellar Corporations, each of them looking to prey on hapless commoners just looking to live their lives in peace.
The fate of the galaxy has never been so uncertain, many fear the ensuing war between these forces will be too much for the Galaxy to bear and it will lead to its very destruction.
It is amidst this tension and unrest that we find our Heroes, a small crew of Drifters, and the most crucial pieces to the galactic puzzle. Will they bring Order back to the galaxy, revile in its plunge into Chaos, or will they find Balance and Harmony among the stars? No matter which they choose the fate of the galaxy is in their hands...
We join the crew, currently working a job from the Federation Freelance Representative Soh'Ke to deliver several packages to your contact, Ohder Mannon. They arrive at the Mosz Space Port {Grid O12 North East of Cyrillia} and are currently waiting for Ohder at the Space Port's cantina. Grid O12.

Star Wars

Knights of the Old Republic III: Republic Conquest

The Man, The Myth, The Jedi Legend Returns! After disappearing into the Unkown Regions for 11 years, Revan returned to the Republic triumphant in his mission to kill the True Sith Empire that lurked beyond the stars. Now heroes of the entire Galaxy, Revan, and his crew were welcomed back with more than just open arms. They were handed the positions of power over the Republic Senate, rebuilt the Jedi Order, and Revan was named the Supreme Consul of the Republic. His immense popularity as a cultural hero allowed his ideas and policies to be implemented with nearly zero opposition. The start of his reign would mark a renaissance of Republic culture and law spread throughout the Galaxy.
Not all are happy about the Republic's attempts to return to power. Before this Republic renaissance, many governments and organizations raced to fill the power vacuum, as the Galaxy appeared it was losing its oldest governing body. In response to the Republic's resurgence, the opposing powers would form the Galactic Confederation; its main goal was to end the Republic before it could fully rise back to power. The last several years of Revan's reign have seen a series of great wars break out across the galaxy each more devastating than the last. With the most recent war taking the life of Revan's Grand Justice, Meetra Surik, and many of her most loyal followers.
In a desperate measure to turn the tide against the Galactic Confederation, Revan would enlist the services of mercenary organizations across the Galaxy to aid in the Republic's war effort; one of these organizations is our group of heroes. We join our heroes on board their frigate as they debate the contract; which contains; an immediate payment of 2,000 credits, with the promise of another 8,000 at the completion of their first assignment; a Recorded Holomessage; and active coordinates to a world in the Wild Space region of the galaxy.

Clone Wars Era

Star Wars

Ire of the Republic

An endless Hell afflicts the galaxy! After the assassination of Senator Palpatine, what started as a crisis of sedition became a war for the very survival of the Republic. Barely able to hold ground, the Republic enters its eighth year entrenched in all-out warfare against the merciless Confederacy of Independent Systems.
The Jedi Order has been unable to fully aid the Republic during these years due to an emerging schism in the Order. Over the past twenty years, Jedi have begun to question the Order's subservience to the Republic. In the face of the Senate's corruption, many Jedi have crossed over to the Confederacy seeing them as the independent future of the Galaxy.
Pushed into a state of desperation, the Republic greenlit the Saber program; a clandestine operation program serving as an independent arm of Republic Intelligence that only answers to certain Senators. The program has seen great success over the past year, able to identify and eliminate high-priority targets, sabotage important CIS plans, and disrupt its operations deep behind enemy lines. As the freshly minted replacement team for Senator Bail Organa, we meet our heroes, the newest batch of recruits. We join them as they are waiting for the Senator to arrive at one of the Republic Black Sites.

Galactic Civil War Era

Star Wars

Empire of Darkness

A generation of darkness has befallen the galaxy! The evil Galactic Empire has ruled the stars for the last twenty-two years crushing all manner of rebellions, revolts, and resistance alike. The empire's tyranny knows no bounds as its armies, led by the vile Skywalker family, have waged endless wars of conquest and slaughter, toppling system after system and bringing them into the imperial fold. With the last remnants of the Jedi Order extinguished at the hands of the Imperial Inquisitorius, it seems all hope of stopping the empire has been dashed.
The Outer Rim has become the last haven for those who seek refuge from the empire. The sudden population boom has made honest work in the Rim hard to come by with many ship owners, and their crews, turning to privateer work for the Empire. Some who choose to stay independent have taken to smuggling or dealing with the Hutts. It is there where we find our heroes, a group of wanted imperial criminals who are currently indentured smugglers to Ahlor the Hutt. They are currently on the Space Station, Taiko-3, having just wrapped up a transport job for their employer-owner. Ahlor paid them for their last job promising more work the next day. They have earned their first night off in their six months of service.

Cold War Era

Star Wars

Force Crusades

Unrest and uncertainty permeate the stars! Piracy runs rampant throughout the expansion regions. The Hutt underworld has all but officially laid claim to the outer rim. Rumors of a growing Mandalorian army threaten the safety of the colonies. All while Imperial Warlords hoard resources and interfere in any form of widespread galactic stability.
The New Republic struggles to find its way in this unforgiving Galaxy; it can do little to satiate the agitation or quell the anxiety of its citizens. Many of whom have lost the hope that fueled the Rebellion to success.
It's clear that if things remain the way they are the New Republic is doomed to spend its final decade fighting over the scraps of a dead empire while its territory is slowly chipped away by pirates, criminals, and all other manners of foul degenerates that inhabit the galaxy. Unfortunately, what little veteran manpower the Republic has left is spent protecting the core worlds and colonies. The lower-ranked soldiers are sent on often fruitless missions of diplomacy to bring now independent star systems back into the Republic. It is on one of these diplomatic missions where we find our heroes, a group of Republic cadets on board the Republic Ship, Waylen-9, as it makes its way to Raxus in an attempt to broker a deal with the Corporate Board.


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