Fleet Admiral Myrko Kerrith's Imperial Remnant Organization in Star Wars | World Anvil
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Fleet Admiral Myrko Kerrith's Imperial Remnant

The imperial Task Force 163 under Fleet Admiral Myrko Kerrith's command was one of the remaining imperial factions, which elected to ignore the peace treaty known as the Galactic Concordance in 5 ABY.

Surviving the Galactic Civil War unscathed due to it's missions secrecy, the fully operational Task Force 163 was able to create one of the biggest imperial holdouts in the Galaxy by winning a number of decisive battles against the New Republic Navy and even though Kerrith's fleet seems to be far inferior to that of the New Republic, the Republic Senate unable to find common ground on a course of action, looks to be tolerating the existence of the Imperial Remnants for now.   After the declaration of the Galactic Concordance many star systems still loyal to the Galactic Empire pledged allegiance to Fleet Admiral Kerrith.
One of these was the powerful and influential Outer Rim world Yaga Minor which became the Remnant's capital planet and due to the planets orbital shipyards also Task Force 163's home base.   With help of Yaga Minor's local civilian government Fleet Admiral Kerrith managed to improve relations to other systems, even some which previously suffered under imperial rule and convince them to join the Imperial Remnant.

Public Agenda

Restore the Galactic Empire and bring peace and order to the galaxy.


Yaga Minor: Political and military center and important trade hub, important orbital starship-building facilities and defense platforms
Jaemus: important military infrastructure, important industrial center, important military shipyards
Mygeeto: major trade and financial center
Ord Mantell: important industrial world
Ord Cantrell: administration world, resort
Scipio: major financial center, semi-independent 
Bescane: important industrial world
Bastion: important military infrastructure, industrial world
Muunilinst: important industrial world
Entralla: important industrial world
Myomar: location of important imperial academy and research facilities
Glee Anselm: location of secret imperial data centers


Task Force 163;
Yaga Minor Defense Fleet;
Auxiliary Fleets;
Yaga Minor Strategic Coordination Center;
Stormtrooper Regiments;
Private Military Contractors;

Foreign Relations

New Republic: Currently almost no diplomatic relations, effectively in a Cold War.
Relations with other mayor imperial remnants ranging from cooperation to open hostility.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Stratocracy
Alternative Names
Task Force 163
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Provisional government
Economic System
Mixed economy
Galactic Credit Standard
Legislative Body
Council of Gouverneurs
Judicial Body
Chamber of Order
Neighboring Nations

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