Dagobah Geographic Location in Star Wars (The Old Republic) | World Anvil
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A small remote planet covered in marshes and dense forests, Dagobah is relatively uninhabited world save for a fueling station and bio-research center. Dagobah has been classified as a preserve planet by the Ithorian Restoration League due to its extreme biodiversity and lack of colonization.


Damp wetlands and heavy mists cover a majority of the landscape on Dagobah, giving the area a gloomy and mysterious aura. With areas of the planet under constant rainfall and regular showers across the rest of the planet, foliage grows in abundance both on land and under the murky depths. Relatively warm on the spectrum of inhabited planets, the average temperature ranges between 70 - 100 °F.



Most species on Dagobah have developed to live both underwater and on land. Many smaller creatures retain amphibian qualities, and insects can grow to much larger sizes than usually seen. Current species that are being studied by the research center include:

Bogwing - A species of small reptavian creatures, bogwings have long wings and sharp claws allowing for quick aerial strikes on prey. While not generally dangerous to sentient species, larger individuals - called greater bogwings - have been observed harassing those who enter their territory.

Butcherbug - Small foot-sized insects that live in soft marsh dirt, these creatures are particularly noteworthy for their ability to create super thin, study strands of filament that are as sharp as most weapons. Researchers believe that they create intricate webs low to ground, to wound and kill prey and providing a safe feeding area from predators. They are believed to be an evolved form of decomposers as they wait for their kills to decay before ingesting the rotten carcasses.

Dagobah Python - Large carnivorous reptiles, the dagobah python are unique in that they either drop down on their prey or catch them in a noose-like grip while perched unsuspected above their prey. Relatively rare, due to their low bith rate, many have been sought after as prized specimens for avid collectors who are looking for unique pets to purchase.

Dragonsnake - One of the few megafauna that live on Dantooine, dragonsnakes are one of the most dangerous creatures that can be encountered. Lurking under muddy waters for decent prey to come within lunging distance. Armored with scales like the dragons of legend, many types of blaster fire remain ineffective at piercing the toughened hides making them tough combatants in a fight.

Swamp Slug - Massive gelatinous creatures, swamp slugs can be very dangerous if they feel threatened. With a digestive system containing thousands of teeth, these omnivorous creatures are able to consume all but the toughest of prey. While not active as predators, documented sightings have shown them devour would-be assailants.


Duros - Cargo workers and dock staff, the Duros are the main reason that the port stays in operation. Ensuring that this portion of space has a decent landing stop keeps Ithorian influence from allowing others to attempt to colonize the planet.

Human - The humans on Dagobah are a mix of researchers and support staff. Several more humanitarian groups have teamed up with the Ithorians to gain a better understanding of bio-engineering and climate restoration techniques.

Ithorian - The main bulk of research staff on Dagobah, their focus is on cataloging the various creatures and mapping their genome for preservation. Potential beneficial species are identified as potential candidates for future use in terraforming and climate restoration on other planets.

Twi'lek - Mostly dock workers and service staff, many of the Twi'lek here fled from the potential dangers of living in the Sith Empire. Fearing potential slavery at the hands of trandoshans, several families moved here to find a new start on life.

- Comprising support staff for the research center, Wookies are naturally adept at traversing through heavily forested biomes filled with dangerous fauna. They are also extremely skilled at doing so without causing excessive harm to the environment, much to the relief of the ithorian scientists.

Zabrak - Engineers and Technicians, the Zabrak were hired to maintain repairs on both the fuel depot and the research center. Their innate knack for design helps keep operating costs low and efficient.


  A small planet teeming with exotic plants and creatures, Dagobah has been relatively ignored by the Galaxy at large due to the exorbitant costs it would require to initiate colonization and the backlash they would receive from environmental groups from the attempt. One of the few expeditions that managed to build an outpost, led by a team of Duros entrepeneurs, created what is now known as Port Narun. This endeavor financially bankrupt their business, and the owners abandoned their workers planetside in an attempt to cut their losses. Seeing a dual opportunity to help those left behind and ensure no one else attempted another build, the Ithorian Restoration League took over management of the station and built the research center to cement their claim over the territory.  

Notable Settlements

Port Narun

A fueling station and halfway port for those traversing the Outer Rim colonies, Port Narun is the epitome of "backwater station". Protected by high walls from the dangers of swamp creatures, several small shops and housing units can be found for those who work the port and small farming plots can be found in between the various buildings which feed the local populace. A hover transport periodically goes between here and Research Station Agrah.

Research Station Agrah

Standing tall above the treetops of Dagobah, a small Ithorian Restoration League research outpost is one of the only visible signs of civilized life on the planet. Built for the purpose of archiving the planet's biodata, the center studies the behavior and life cycles of various native species. Reachable only through hovercraft and a small elevator for swamp expeditions, the station is rarely visited by anyone that does not have strict business with the IRL.


Outer Rim  


Wet   Aquatic - Swamps   Perennial Wetlands  


38 Thousand  


40% Ithorian   30% Wookie   10% Duros   10% Zabrak   5% Twi'lek   5% Human

Major Cities:

Port Narun   Research Station Agrah  


Ithorian Restoration League

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