Red and Black Building / Landmark in Star Wars (Cold War Era) | World Anvil
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Red and Black

This casino is one of the most popular destinations in the Folly. Despite the bouncers (at the door and on the floor) fist fights are a common occurrence. The staff takes full advantage of those fights as an opportunity to make an extra cred.

Purpose / Function

This casino works as a money maker and launderer for the Black Sun . The staff works hard to build relationships and keep customers coming back. The staff all understands when they should lose a credit now so they can keep somebody coming back for more.


The once spacious space is now cluttered with Pazaak and Sabaac tables and ringed by slot machines.


Opened the week after the Treaty of Courscant was signed this was the first long term establishment that the Black Sun ran. The growth of the Black Sun is mirrored by the growing success of the Red and Black
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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