Steven Locarno Character in Star Trek: Heroes and Demons | World Anvil

Steven Locarno

Commander Steven Locarno

Steven Locarno is the First Officer of the USS Jean Valjean NCC 24601. He was selected by Captain Marius P Rhodes from their aquaintence from their time at Starfleet Academy. Steven is the younger brother of the disgraced Starfleet Academy drop out Nicholas Locarno.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Steven is in excellent physical condition, better than many Starfleet officers. This is because he likes to keep to his physical fitness routine, including running the decks late at night. This helps both with his fitness and his sleep.

Apparel & Accessories

Steven is most typically in his Starfleet Uniform: black and gray uniform jacket, red undershirt/undertunic with his three rank pips, black uniform pants, polished boots.   When out of uniform, he will often wear athletic wear, or style of the day.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Locarno joined because he sees Starfleet probably a bit differently than most. He’s sees it as an peacekeeping force, though Starfleet itself would say that’s a secondary or even tertiary mission, it’s main of course being exploration. After the war started it underlined his thoughts on it. And it was made all the more important to him after his brother was expelled from the Academy for covering up the cause of an accident that took the life of another cadet. It became bit of a “restore some honor to the Locarno name” as well as to actually succeed.  
Are they optimistic or pessimistic?
By the very nature of both his career and his goal to show that Locarno's aren't all like his brother, Nick, Steven is optimistic.  
Are they introverted or extroverted?
He's a quiet extrovert  
How intelligent are they?
Steven is very intelligent, he didn't have to work with any increased effort to do very well in his Starfleet Academy classes, and in fact, rarely studied.  
What bad habits do they have?
Despite his brother's reputation solely existing as the cadet who was expelled for covering up an illegal flight demonstration which resulted in the death of fellow cadet, Joshua Albert, Steven knows that Nick's ability to excel was a major part of who he is. As a result, Steven often measures himself against the measuring stick of his brother, in most way except morally/ethically.  
What makes them laugh out loud?
Steven keeps his sense of humor rather reserved. While at the Academy, he often fought to not be loud or noticed outside of his small group of friends and Parisses Squares teammates; not wanting the Nick Locarno reputation to fall on him.  
Are they neurotypical or neurodivergent?
How do they want to be seen by others?
He wants to be seen as a capable officer who has a good head on his shoulders.  
How do they see themselves?
He sees himself as a representative of his family and of the Federation.  
How competitive are they?
He doesn't believe himself to be competitive with anyone other than his brother's reputation.  
What is their greatest fear?
Failing as an officer. He sees Starfleet as a peacekeeping force, and therefore himself as an ambassador. Because of this he fears being a part of something that could lead to greater conflict. Despite this fear, he also knows that sometimes, he may have to accept that his job as a Starfleet officer, might result him him being forced to make a call that leads to conflict, even if it's the right call.  
What are their biggest secrets?
He sometimes fears that whatever moral failing lead to Nick's decision to cover up Joshua Albert's death might be a genetic defect and that he may have similar moral failings. Additionally, he is aware that his family hasn't heard from Nick since just after the Dominion War and is ashamed to admit that he would rather Nick be dead and not doing something 'else.'  
When was the last time they cried?
In the weeks following the Dominion War, before he was assigned to Vulcan Space Dock, Steven had a week of shore leave. He spent that week with his family, Nick included. Nick harassed Steven about staying in Starfleet, saying that Starfleet had abandoned him, why should anyone stick with it, before storming out. It was the last time anyone in his family has seen Nick and the fight found Steven struggling to hold back tears.  
What will they stand up for?
His family, the peacekeeping ideals of Starfleet, those in his charge as well as his own commanding officer.

Gender Identity

Steven has always identified as a traditional male. Despite this, Lorcarno easily grasps the concept of fluidity in the gender spectrum among humans and other species.


Pansexual, he has only been with species who are extremely similar to human beings (Risan). He choices not to use the term bisexual because he is willing to leave open the possibility of an attraction or relationship to a species with more than male and female genders.


Locarno is a graduate of Starfleet Academy. He studied diplomacy while in the command track. He graduated from the Academy with the rank of Lieutenant. He doesn't have high level command ambition and is in fact already higher ranked than he'd expected. He does not want command of his own starship.


Steven is currently the first officer, USS Jean Valjean. Upon his graduation from Starfleet Academy, Steven served aboard the USS Grissom as both a helmsman and an ops operator. The Grissom was lost during the battle of Cardassia, with minimal loss of life. After Cardassia, Locarno was assigned to Ops aboard the Spacedock in Vulcan orbit. He'd only been stationed aboard the VSD for three weeks when Marius Rhodes offered him the position of First Officer of the Jean Valjean.   While Locarno's primary course track at Starfleet Academy was command, he never had the ambition to command his own starship and expected, quite happily, that his carreer would remain within the realms of starship operations, not command. Despite having no desire for command, Steven surprised himself by immediately accepting Rhodes offer. Since then, he has questioned why he didn't hesitate, but never that he accepted and he is incredibly happy as the Number One on the Valjean. Locarno suspects that he accepted Captain Rhodes offer quickly because of a subconscious gratitude from his time at the Academy with Rhodes, in which Rhodes never treated Steven any differently, despite the scandal surrounding his brother, Nicholas Locarno.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Steven's Parrises Squares team won the Academy chamption ship in 2373.   For bravery during the Battle of Cardassia as well as his assistance during the evacuation of the USS Grissom, Steven was awarded the 'Tristar Cluster'- an award presented by Starfleet for great acts of courage during extreme circumstances. On the medal were three stars that represented honor, pride and courage.

Mental Trauma

Following the death of Cadet Joshua Albert, and the subsequent scandal around his brother covering up cause of Albert's death, the whole family felt the weight of embarrassment. As he became older, Steven nearly changed his mind about going to the Academy. After indepth conversations with his sister, Catherine, Steven decided that not only did he want to still go to the Academy, but that he felt he had a responsibility to go, to undo the damage to his family's reputation done but his brother.   Once he arrived at the Academy, whispers and insinuations about Locarno flurished and Steven found himself keeping to his small group of friends and his Parrises Squares team.   Following the destruction of the USS Grissom, Steven had a few weeks of shore leave which he took at home, on Mars. While there, Nick harrassed Steven about joining and staying in Starfleet. Nick claimed that Starfleet had abandoned him. Nick ended up leaving during the fight and that was the last time anyone in the Locarno family saw Nick.

Morality & Philosophy

Steven measures his morality against his brother's actions.

Personality Characteristics


Locarno joined because he sees Starfleet probably a bit differently than most. He’s sees it as an peacekeeping force, though Starfleet itself would say that’s a secondary or even tertiary mission, it’s main of course being exploration. After the war started it underlined his thoughts on it. And it was made all the more important to him after his brother was expelled from the Academy for covering up the cause of an accident that took the life of another cadet. It became bit of a “restore some honor to the Locarno name” as well as to actually succeed.


Contacts & Relations

Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of?
His family is pretty standard in size. He's the youngest of three, the oldest, his brother, Nicholas, and the middle sibling, his sister Catherine. Additionally, his mother and father, Heather and Philip.  
What is their perception of family?
His family means a lot to him. They were raised very closely, which is why the situation with Nick was so crushing. It's also why he feels responsible for restoring their reputation.  
Do they have siblings? Older or younger?
His older brother Nick is twelve years older. Catherine is six years older.  
Describe their best friend
Growing up, Steven was close with his next door neighbor, Tristan. At Starfleet Academy, he was good friends with a Risan who was an advanced theoretical physics major, named Roan Toruk. After becoming First Officer of the USS Jean Valjean, Steven has stayed in contact (mostly through subspace letters) with Roan. He still, in part, considers Roan his best friend, though he is much closer now with his captain, Marius Rhodes, who he was an acquaintance of while at Starfleet Academy and was on the same Parisses Squares team.  
Do people build lasting friendships?
Are they in a relationship?
How do they behave in a relationship?
He has had a few short relationships, both at the Academy and while in high school.  
Are they looking for a long term relationship?
He doesn't see a relationship as practical in his current assignment. A relationship with someone off the Valjean would be incredibly difficult, given how long the mission could be and that subspace communication is not real time at the Valjean's distance. His professional ethics make it difficult for him to engage in a relationship with the crew of the Valjean.  
How many relationships have they been in?
3 or 4  
Have they ever been in love?
Probably not  
When did they last have sex?
He had a few physical relationships while at the Academy, and 'beneficial' arrangement existed with him and Roan, as well as with one of the female cadets in Probability Mechanics.  
Have they ever had a one night stand?
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
March 31 (Stardate 30244.8)
Current Residence
USS Jean Valjean NCC 24601 Deck 10, forward
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Steven speaks Federation Standard. He's picked up a few Klingon curses and a few Risan exclamations of pleasure.


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