USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B Vehicle in Star Trek Wars: At Fate's Frontier | World Anvil
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USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B

For a time between the begining and end of 2315, the Enterprise was commanded by Captain David Forrester, who had studied directly under Captain Kirk and Sulu and Commander Chekov for a time while a cadet at Starfleet Academy. This would actually not be the first time Forrester would command an Enterprise, having been given dispensation by Captain Kirk to command the Enterprise-A on a mission to establish communications with the mysterious Meclanti, due to Forrester's and his cadet group's role in discovering the mysteries of the Meclanti and for ending a brewing terrorist plot by mutinous cadets. Forrester was assigned as captain following a leave absense for the Enterprise's previous captain, Demorra Sulu, and is mission was to take the Enterprise on a year long exploration mission. This mission proved to be wildly successful and upon Forrester's return, he was promoted to admiral. Sulu would return to the captain's chair when Enterprise returned.
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