Brotherhood of Harmonious Dice Organization in St. Peregrine's | World Anvil

Brotherhood of Harmonious Dice

A Martial Order of Itinerant Monks

In the diverse tapestry of spiritual and martial orders, the Brotherhood of Harmonious Dice stands out for its unique blend of martial prowess and reliance on chance to guide their decisions. This order of itinerant monks, easily identifiable by their distinctive parti-color tunics—split evenly in black and white—embody a philosophy that intertwines fate, faith, and martial discipline.
  The Brotherhood of Harmonious Dice represents a blend of spirituality and martial skill, bound together by a deep-seated belief in the power of randomness and fate. While their unpredictability might be off-putting to some, there is no doubt that they add a colorful and mysterious element to the tapestry of spiritual and martial orders in the world. Their presence is a reminder that in the grand scheme of the universe, Chaos and Order might just be two sides of the same coin...or faces of the same die.

Tenets of Faith

The Random Universe
Central to the Brotherhood's belief is the idea that the cosmos is guided by divine randomness, a concept they often summarize as "God plays dice with the universe." This belief is not just theoretical; it deeply influences their daily lives and major decisions. Before embarking on any significant task or making important decisions, members of the order consult a randomized augury. This practice is not only a spiritual exercise but also a manifestation of their deep trust in the universe's inherent randomness to guide their path.  
The Way of the Wanderer
Members of the Brotherhood are typically itinerant, traveling from place to place. Their journey is as much a physical one as it is spiritual, seeking enlightenment through experiences brought by chance encounters and the trials of the road. Their travels also allow them to offer aid where it's needed, guided by the auguries they cast.  
Martial Discipline
The Brotherhood is not just a spiritual order but also a martial one. Members are trained in various forms of combat, which they consider a form of moving meditation and a way to maintain balance and harmony within themselves. Their martial skills are often employed in defense of the innocent, but always guided by the auguries they seek. This martial prowess, combined with their unpredictability, makes them formidable in combat.


The Brotherhood is largely benevolent, offering help and protection to those in need. However, their strict adherence to the randomness of decision-making can make them somewhat unreliable allies. Their actions, though well-intentioned, are often unpredictable and can sometimes be at odds with more conventional strategies.

Tools of Augury

  Most members of the Brotherhood carry a personal set of dice, which they use for their moments of personal divination. However, the Brotherhood is inclusive in its approach to randomness. Some members prefer using coins, drawing a card from a deck, or selecting a runestone from a pouch. This diversity in methods reflects their belief in the many faces of fate and the numerous ways it can manifest.
Religious, Monastic Order


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