Jedidiah Bielecki Character in St. Lilienholz | World Anvil
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Jedidiah Bielecki

Jedidiah Bielecki (a.k.a. Catboy (Will))

Sweet young man that would never hurt anyone nor anything. A stark contrast to his best friend's nihilistic philosophy, he believes all lives are meant to create something big and lead to change. He's not religious but also does not deny the existence of God. If you get lost in the city he will walk you to your destination so you don't get confused, that's the type of person he is.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Healthy but slightly malnourished. Does not really have time to cook full meals and opts for a quick toast with cheese and ketchup instead of anything of actual value. Has to wear braces because he had an overbite. Forced himself to develop insomnia so he can study for longer.

Facial Features

Round eyes with constant dark circles.

Identifying Characteristics

Has barely noticable freckles. When William saw it for the fist time, he remarked how absolutely adorable they were and how unique that made him. Jeddie now really loves his freckles.

Mental characteristics


A little confused about his romantic attaction. Is actually very indifferent about romance and affection, therefore keeps unlabeled, but if he really had to pinpoint, he'd say he's bisexual.


Highschool, is on his second year of veterinary college.


Has worked as a pizza delivery boy and a cashier at a gas station. Right now works part time as a cashier at a bakery.

Mental Trauma

Has not suffered any abuse in his life, and has had quite a nice upbringing, but has had slight troubles maintaining long term friendships. Developed pretty heavy depression during the third grade of highschool due to his own internal pressure to excel during final exams.

Intellectual Characteristics

Smart, a bit above average even, and tries to do his best to prove that to the world.

Morality & Philosophy

Existentialist. Adores the world and is keen on finding patterns and underlying messages in his daily life. Believes life is a beautiful expirience and we should apreciate it more instead of focusing on achievements and material gain.


Is uncomfortable whenever someone talks about differing inteligence levels between people. He wants to believe he is above the average when it comes to smarts (and he is correct) and doesn't want anything to ruin one of the things he's proud of himself in.


Hobbies & Pets

His father owns multiple of snakes (oh yes, he still lives with his parents, mainly for financial college related resons).


Posseses a british accent, obviosly. His manner of speaking is very fluent and sometimes words fall from his mouth and he doesn't really realise until after the fact. He very often laughs in the middle of his sentences, just letting out a tiny giggle to lift the atmosphere. He would be a great narrator. Very smooth voice.


Jedidiah Bielecki

Crush (Important)

Towards William Cunningham



William Cunningham

Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Jedidiah Bielecki




After becoming friends in second grade they became inseperable.

Player character. Young college boy studying veterinary medicine. Extraordinarily ordinary. Photo is a placeholder.

Current Location
St. Lillienholz, staying in Nachtnebel hotel
View Character Profile
Current Status
On a highschool reunion trip to St.Lilienholz
Current Location
Date of Birth
2nd January
Current Residence
The Nachtnebel Family hotel
he/him but doesn't mind they/them
[L] dark brown [R] Hazel brown
Dark brown/Black | 3C
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
russet brown
Known Languages
Can speak English fluently, as it is his first language. Has tried studying french but gave up.
Character Prototype
As all of the british kid-tourists, he was originally a part of the PPDP cast. His design has been pretty consistent since his conceotion, except maybe for the freckles hihi OH and originally i'm pretty sure his hair was shorter and so was he. I intended for him to be a trans character but it didn't really fit, and besides the story isn't about that and i wouldn't have enough time to fully develop that storyline in the game.

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