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Nathanael | Member Since 18 Jul, 2023
1 Followers 492 Page views 7 Likes

Hello!! I'm Nathanael, a guy that loves writing stories about polish people starting religious sects and body mutilation. St.Lilienholz is a fictional town from my project named "Heaven's Dinner Party". Feel free to browse through, i hope you have a wonderful day <3

Favorite Movies

I am the type of person who just loves old campy horror movies (truthfuly mainly because i can't find any film scary anymore... that is, a movie that doesn't involve excrement consumption... ) AH I'D FORGOTTEN. A CLOCKWORK ORANGE!! EXCELENT MOVIE.

Favorite Books

Literally everything Dostoyevski. I am in such a phase, where i am reading everything he has ever put out.. But if i had to point to my favorite, it would probably be "The Idiot".

Favorite Writers

Hey i actually anwsered that above

Favorite Games

Fran Bow, a game that has been, admittedly the biggest influence for me ever since i was, like, ten years old. You can very easily see that in HDP.