S40-009B: Everybody Goes Home Happy Report in Spooky Earth | World Anvil
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S40-009B: Everybody Goes Home Happy

General Summary

Despite the absurd piles of snow surrounding the hotel, it took little time for Irving's driver to navigate the snowbanks and escape the godforsaken hotel. He tried to light a cigarette, tossing it out the window as his lighter failed to start. The car's phone stared at him, waiting patiently for the call Irving knew he had to make.    How the hell did it all fall apart so quickly? He thought to himself, watching Denver's snowy cityscape pass by on his way to the airport. No book, no antiques, I've got nothin' to show her.    The longer he put it off the more painful it'd be, so with a deep breath he reached for the car phone and dialed in the number that only three people in the world knew. He started thinking about where she'd be answering his call from, was he interrupting her beauty sleep from her villa in Milan? Was she finishing up hours of negotiations in New York? Or had she finally made it out to LA to check work on the film she'd been working on for years, the one that would change the world forever? But after just a couple rings his thoughts were pierced by the most gorgeous, phlegmy voice in the world.   "Yes, dearest?" The way her throat scratched after months of strep throat could set his world on fire, every sniffle and sneeze adding fuel to the flames. He could hear himself swallowing before his reply.    "Cella, ma'am? I tried working with these bozos like you ordered, but this auction ended up being a total shitshow. We made it out in one piece, but we didn't get any of the items you wanted. Who knew Kevin Bacon was so obsessed with the occult?"   A long silence on the other side of the phone, Irving tried listening for any sounds or noises in the background. Was that the honking of a late-night taxi? The sound of birds chirping in the villa's garden? Anything to distract him from the disappointment he'd inevitably hear in Cella's voice.    "That's fine, darling, I'm sure you tried your hardest," She replied, punctuated by the loveliest coughing fit he'd ever heard. It was a cough of love, of understanding! "At least we know now that Marshall, Carter, & Dark are no longer reliable business partners, your trip wasn't in vain on that mark.    "I'm headed to the airport right now, ma'am! I'll travel anywhere else you need me, I can go and hunt down Kevin Bacon or those commie bastards in no time!"   He listened to Cella blow her nose for twenty seconds with all the love and patience in the world. "I would like you to go to Vegas. I have some plans there on New Year's Eve, I'd like you to scope out the place and find us the best rooms in the hotel. Can you handle that with your team?"   "Absolutely! I'll take mobsters over commies any day of the week, we'll turn the entire place into a temple devoted to you!"   "I love to hear that," She sniffled. "Stay safe, Irving: I look forward to seeing you in a couple weeks."   The call disconnected, but Irving floated on Cella's affectionate words all the way to the airport. Those words kept him floating through the rooms of the Vegas hotel for weeks, getting everything perfect for Cella's arrival. Her kindness and mercy would not be taken in vain: no matter what happened on New Year's Eve, he'd be ready for it. 
Mission Date: 12/9/1993 - 12/11/1993
Mission Goal: To collect as many items as possible from a Marshall, Carter, & Dark Auction in Denver, Colorado.
Incidents: Agent Kramer suffered mild gunshot wounds; Agent Danforth was shot in the right foot; the death of two non-SCP indivdiuals during the mission; the disappearance of one non-SCP individual during the mission.    Summary: The Mc40's attended an auction of supernatural items hosted by the GoI Marshall, Carter & Dark. With Agent Kramer disguised as Kevin Bacon while the rest of the team acted as his entourage, they bid on almost every item available and obtained an overwhelming majority of  them. S40-D, S40-E, S40-F, and an instance of SCP S40-A were all collected by the agents, the only items that they failed to obtain being a set of ancient shark's teeth that a gay couple successfully bid on. Quick thinking on Agent Donovan's part ensured collection of the invaluable S40-E.   Despite such success, the auction was not without incident. Abnormal amounts of snowfall were recorded around the hotel, and several abnormal creatures terrorized and murdered several people during the latter half of the auction. Conflict also arose between various GoI's during the auction, Soviet agents from Gru Division-P sparring with a man identified as Irving Kildare (a wealthy business magnate in the entertainment industry). Attempts at ameliorating conflict between these two groups were met with fierce resistance, leading to the above-referenced shooting incident involving Agent Danforth.    A third party by the name of Mr. Giles complicated matters, displaying an anomalous knowledge about future events and movies in our world. This entity failed to obtain any items, leaving instead with Giorgiy Zakharov and quickly vanishing from the hotel. No security footage collected from the site shows any sign of where Mr. Giles may have vanished to. Giorgiy Zakharov was the leader of Gru Division-P's operations in the western United States, his disappearance and its effects on the organization will have to be closely observed.
Report Date
08 Aug 2022
Primary Location
Agents Involved


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