S40-006A - Alamogordo Diner Reunion Report in Spooky Earth | World Anvil
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S40-006A - Alamogordo Diner Reunion

General Summary

From the Journal of Monique Cruz
November 23, 1993
I thought I left all those awful mysteries behind in Colorado, but the past returns whether you're asking for it or not.    Heather showed up at my diner tonight, with a whole new group of weirdos in tow. One guy tried to play the politician with some of the locals, managing to get friendly with at least one woman in the joint. When the woman's husband started to get annoyed by the guy's line of questioning, one of Heather's friends managed to diffuse things by spilling an entire cup of water onto the husband's pants! She acts like a journalist, whatever she is I always like to see a girl who can hold their own against a guy.    Speaking of guys, there was some Kevin Bacon lookalike in Heather's new group taking up an entire booth. He's not bad looking if you're a Footloose fan, I wish I had time to take him up on that trip to Albuquerque.   My mind was stressed about all of the holiday plans coming up, but Heather and her new clique threw my mind back to all the weird shit that happened back in Grand Junction this fall. I guess once you're in the weirdness there's no escaping it, and Heather's in so deep that she's even lost an arm for the cause. Will the same happen to me if I keep ignoring all the mysteries and conspiracies around me?    Heather said I should stay out of this, mentioning something about how all her old friends are either dead or crazy. But how long can I avoid the supernatural if it keeps showing up at my doorstep? I can't sleep tonight, and now there are air sirens and red lights blaring all throughout town. If Heather's group is here to deal with all this chaos, the least I can do is be a true local and drive them around town. I can guess that whatever's going on tonight will be pretty deadly, the least I can do is make sure that Heather survives.
Report Date
09 Jun 2022
Agents Involved


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