Men in the Woods Report in Spooky Earth | World Anvil
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Men in the Woods

General Summary

The Following is recorded from an episode of Ms. Mystery's radio show regarding an incident at Yellowstone National Park on Feb. 14, 1995
  "...We've received images of the vehicle after the incident, the claw marks and indentations are clear signs of a lupine attack. We'll have a guest on later to discuss what you can do to survive an encounter with lupines, but before that I want to discuss the circumstances of this attack a little further.   "Three men went into Yellowstone on Valentine's, but only two of them made it out alive. Yet the medical records me and my team have obtained indicate that the deceased died from severe burns, with no indication of maiming or dismemberment typically associated with lupines. Something else was present in Yellowstone that night, and we have testimony from others in the park that night spotting bright lights and UFO's prior to the incident.    "Listeners, you know I don't like to cause a panic like other reporters on the supernatural. For months I've provided reliable information on how to defend you and your loved ones from the monsters that have plagued us in recent nights, and tonight I still encourage my listeners to continue their fight in the cities where we have strength in numbers. But I would advise all of you to keep an eye on the wilderness, there are ancient things hidden in the forests and deserts waking up that we're only starting to get glimpses of. I don't know if these things are from another world or not, but they're powerful in a way that even our most devoted listeners aren't prepared for. We can kill a vampire, but we don't even know what we're dealing with in Yellowstone.   "I'll keep you all posted as I learn more about these creatures, in the meantime please enjoy a word from our sponsors."
Report Date
05 Dec 2023
Featured Characters
  • Buddy the Satanist
  • Frederick the Lumberjack
  • Lee the Drinking Buddy


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