T.T. 147 Character in Spirits of Verr | World Anvil
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T.T. 147

T.T. 147

"Aaand we're doing this. Alright."   An extremely deadpan and closed off person, T.T. 147 doesn't tend to like talking about themselves, but it's surprisingly easy to get on the good side of the mechanical mercenary... if you keep your hands to yourself. As it's currently understood, T.T. is an extremely advanced warforged created somewhere around 10 years ago. Sometime after that, they turned to a life of crime, and are most notably proud of their heist on Highever Bank. They were aided by a group of fellow lowlifes that T.T. now affectionately refers to as the Motley Crew. However, something went wrong on that job, leading them to... take a break from New Cordelia. Luckily, or perhaps Unluckily, Theodore Callaghan was looking for an 'adventuring partner' around the same time, and put an ad out in the paper. After a comedy of errors of a first meeting, T.T. decided to stick it out with the strange bard they met, for better or for worse.   Right now, it's looking like it was for worse.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Quite literally over 500 pounds of metal, T.T. cuts a massive silhouette, standing at over 7 and a half feet tall. They're built rather wide, with the sheer size of their mechanical muscles leaving none of their strength to the imagination.

Body Features

  • Some exposed internal components can be seen through T.T's joints, protected by some sort of green wiring.
  • Their plating seems to be made from many different complex alloys, each with its own specific function.
  • Despite their self repair protocols, T.T. still seems to be able to 'scar', having some scratches and dents that they maintain through repairs.
  • Facial Features

  • T.T has no mouth or eyebrows, preventing them from making facial expressions. However, the lights in their eyes are able to make simple shapes, or shift in brightness to indicate their moods.
  • While T.T's eyes are usually a glowing emerald green, they do seem to be able to shift colours, or completely turn off.
  • Around T.T's ventilation system, their metal has corroded and oxidized because of the heavy chemical smog in New Cordelia.
  • Identifying Characteristics

  • On T.T.'s right wrist is a small plate that lists their 'name' - T.T 147. However, it looks like more may have been written on the plate at some point, but half of it has been scratched off over time.
  • Physical quirks

  • T.T. tends to 'huff', venting out steam from their facial & sholder vents when they're upset or trying to relax, simulating a sigh. When they've been significantly damaged, they release a foul black smoke instead.
  • T.T. ticks audibly, even while idle.
  • T.T. isn't programmed to feel pain, and barely understands the concept.
  • Special abilities

  • T.T.'s abilities revolve around the use of Runes, which appear as glowing marks on their forehead and hands. They currently have two - a Fire Rune, and a Stone Rune.
  • T.T can grow in size, becoming large and in charge! It looks as if their body expands and unfolds as they do this, maintaining their silhouette while over doubling in height and weight.
  • Apparel & Accessories

  • T.T. doesn't tend to wear much, and at the start of the campaign only owned two pieces of clothing - A massive brown leather duster coat, which was noticeably worn and damage, and a seemingly meticulously cared for hand knitted green scarf. Even when wearing other clothes, T.T. always wears the scarf, either around their neck or as a belt.
  • However, they did acquire a green summer dress tailored to their size while in Twin Rivers. They seem almost hesitant to wear it however, like the dress will break the second they put it on.
  • Mental characteristics

    Personal history

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    Gender Identity

  • T.T. doesn't give a fuck about the typical humanoid gender binary, and accepts any pronouns or interpretation of themself. They prefer feminine clothing, seeing feminine high fashion as the only good thing rich Arcadians ever made, but otherwise lean towards masculinity in terms of presentation.
  • T.T. enjoys it when people frequently change what pronouns they refer to them as.
  • Sexuality

  • T.T. doesn't currently believe that they can feel love or romantic attraction, though this is incorrect. From a technical standpoint, they're largely asexual but can experience romantic attraction to any gender. They just... don't know what love feels like yet.
  • Education

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  • It's pretty obvious that most of T.T's knowlege of the world is obtained through practical experience, not formal teaching.
  • T.T claims they've only read three books in their life.
  • Employment

  • T.T is currently an agent of The Agency, a criminal syndicate based out of New Cordelia, though it has roots and agents all throughout Arcadia. Described as 'a union for criminals' the Agency isn't the worst place to work! Just, make sure you follow through with your tasks. Snitches do in fact get stitches, after all.
  • At the start of the Campaign, T.T. was hired by Theodore Callaghan to accompany him on his journey to investigate the Cataclysm. They definitely should be getting paid more to be doing this.
  • Accomplishments & Achievements

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  • T.T. is most proud of their work on Highever Bank with the Motley Crew, aiming to rescue some of the strange cataclysm fluid that was stolen from one Doctor Arkos LaBlane. While the job did go sour, They're still proud of their grand heist.
  • Failures & Embarrassments

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  • Mental Trauma

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  • T.T. is afraid of deep water. They sink.
  • T.T. seems to have a strange fixation with mazes and ways to solve them, after being forced to run them frequently while in testing.
  • Intellectual Characteristics

  • [ Access Denied. ]
  • T.T is extremely logical and relatively unflappable in stressful situations.
  • Though they're not very book smart, they do have a solid knowledge of how people think and why they act the way they do, as well as robust street smarts.
  • Morality & Philosophy

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  • T.T. doesn't seem to have much of a moral code, though they have been proven to be both vengeful and forgiving. They're by no means naive, however, and can sometimes come off as extremely harsh in their judgements of others.
  • They primarily seem to be motivated by money, and have a solid understanding of why people end up as calloused as they do.
  • T.T. seems to worship Creation of the Arcadian 12, though not much is known about their faith at the moment.
  • Taboos

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  • T.T. despises allowing artificers to work on their body, or even opening up portions of their chassis around others. This provokes anger in them at best, or panic fueled physical attacks at worst.
  • Personality Characteristics


  • Money, mostly.
  • Okay, fine, Maybe they care about the bard and their new friends a little bit.
  • Other then that... the world going to shit doesn't help the people that live in it. So. Someone's gotta do something.
  • Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • T.T's a wiz with pretty much any weapon, and has a natural knack for metalwork. They're also a rather talented artist, preferring paint or sketching as their medium.
  • However, they're also chronically obstinate and oftentimes unintentionally rude due to their lack of social skills. They don't know much about academia, or the natural world.
  • Likes & Dislikes

    Likes: Quiet, Fashion, Flowers, Contests of Strength, Callaghan. Dislikes: The Ocean, Rifles, Rich People, [ Access Denied. ], Callaghan.

    Virtues & Personality perks

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  • Vices & Personality flaws

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  • Personality Quirks

  • T.T. swears at an almost compulsive level, usually in a harsh and foul manner.
  • They don't like to be touched. If T.T. lets you touch them without reprimand, they would probably die for you.
  • At an intersection, T.T. always turns left first.
  • When touching living creatures in a non-combat setting, T.T's grip is almost always extremely gentle and soft, as if they were afraid to break whoever they're holding.
  • Hygiene

  • T.T. doesn't care much for Hygiene, as they can't really get dirty the same way organic life can. They don't dislike it though, and don't mind tidying up when necessary.
  • They smell like paint, gunpowder, and electricity.
  • Social

    Contacts & Relations

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  • T.T has some ties to various Agency operatives in New Cordelia.
  • They're deeply connected to the Motley Crew, who are as follows:
  • - Quip & Dirk, a pair of rambunctious goblin safecrakers. They're twin sisters, and never separated. If you see one without the other, you're probably being robbed. - Zenna Amaadon, an elvish assassin and shadow. It seems like she's recently been trying to turn over a new leaf. Mostly business, but a good friend. - Fredrik Wynnlocke, a half-elf tinkerer who apparently built his own unregistered airship from scrap metal and raw spite. Tried to involve a live goat in the heist. - Veronica LaBlane, the daughter of Arkos LaBlane, and reportedly the smartest person T.T. has ever met. A fan of Callaghan's theatre career. - [ Access Denied. ]

    Family Ties

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  • Religious Views

  • T.T is devoted to Creation of the Arcadian 12, however their own beliefs seem to differ slightly from the standard. That's probably because they've never been to church a day in their life.
  • Social Aptitude

  • 6 Charisma and 0 fucks to give make for an interesting combination.
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  • Mannerisms

  • T.T. tends to stand extremely still, rarely fidgeting or shifting their weight.
  • They also prefer to lean on walls rather then sit down, after one too many incidents with poorly made chairs.
  • Hobbies & Pets

  • T.T. has a suprisingly good career as a hobbist street artist in New Cordelia, with many of their brightly coloured murals remaining in the city. They seem to primarily focus on depicting natural life or anti-war ideals.
  • Speech

  • Extremely monotone. T.T. often takes somewhat long pauses in between thoughts, which can sometimes be seen as threatening. That is just how they talk though.
  • Their words are extremely no nonsense and often harsh, but it's true that they only say what they mean. If they complement you, they truly meant it.
  • Wealth & Financial state

  • T.T's pretty broke.
  • ". . . Do we have to do this right now?" A permanently monotone Warforged Fighter, T.T. 147 (Any/All pronouns) is a criminal mercenary from New Cordelia, and Callaghan's long suffering bodyguard.

    View Character Profile
    True Neutral (Good Leanings)
    Date of Birth
    20th of Ahros, 1392
    [ Access Denied. ]
    Current Residence
    The lower levels of New Cordelia, Arcadia
    A Threat (Any Pronouns)
    Glass, Backlit by Green Light
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Brassy & Roughened
    542 lbs of pure metal
    Quotes & Catchphrases
  • T.T. has a tendency to give a quick 2 fingered salute as a way to say goodbye.
  • ”I don't trust people who would put something above themselves. You never know what people would do for their higher power.”
  • Known Languages
  • [ Access Denied. ]
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  • T.T speaks Common, Arcadian, and Giant fluently.
  • They also have a secret written cipher with Callaghan, that is based off the Giant alphabet.
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